Agenda item

10/00659/FULMAJ - Land Adjacent 32 Moor Road, Croston

Report of Partnerships, Planning and Policy (enclosed).


Planning permission granted subject to legal agreement and conditions.


Councillor Alan Cullens and Councillor Christopher France declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting for the duration of this item.


(The Committee received representations from an objector to the proposals and a supporter to the proposals)


(The Committee received representation from Ward Councillor Doreen Dickinson on the proposals)


Application:                  10/00659/FULMAJ

Proposal:                     Erection of 24 two-storey affordable houses (including new access from Moor Road)

Location:                     Land adjacent 32 Moor Road, Croston



It was proposed by Councillor Harold Heaton, seconded by Councillor David Dickinson and subsequently RESOLVED – To grant full planning permission subject to a Section 106 Agreement and the following conditions:



1.   The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.     


2.      ‘Before the development hereby permitted is first commenced, full details of the position, height and appearance of all fences and walls to be erected (notwithstanding any such detail shown on previously submitted plan(s)) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall specifically include details of how the garden boundaries will maintain connectivity in terms of maintaining biodiversity. No dwelling shall be occupied until all fences and walls shown in the approved details to bound its plot have been erected in conformity with the approved details.  Other fences and walls shown in the approved details shall have been erected in conformity with the approved details prior to substantial completion of the development.

      Reason:  To ensure a visually satisfactory form of development, to provide reasonable standards of privacy to residentsand in accordance with Policy No. HS4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review and PPS9.’


3.   No dwelling shall be occupied until all fences and walls shown in the approved details to bound its plot, have been erected in conformity with the approved details.  Other fences and walls shown in the approved details shall have been erected in conformity with the approved details prior to substantial completion of the development.

Reason:  To ensure a visually satisfactory form of development, to provide reasonable standards of privacy to residents and in accordance with Policy No.HS4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


4.   Unless it can be demonstrated through open book accounting that the requirements of Policy SR1 would make the development unviable:


1.   No phase or sub-phase of the development shall commence until a Design Stage assessment and related certification has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority demonstrating that the proposed development will be constructed to achieve the relevant Code for Sustainable Homes level. All dwellings commenced after 1st January 2010 will be required to meet Code Level 3, all dwellings commenced after 1st January 2013 will be required to meet Code Level 4 and all dwellings commenced after 1st January 2016 will be required to meet Code Level 6. In accordance with Policy SR1 of the Sustainable Resources DPD, renewable or low carbon energy sources must be installed to reduce the predicted carbon emissions of the development by at least 15% (increasing to 20% from 2015). To demonstrate that this has been achieved, the Design Stage certification must show that the proposed development will achieve 2 credits within Issue Ene 7: Low or Zero Carbon Technologies. The approved details shall be fully implemented and retained in perpetuity unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


2.   No dwelling shall be occupied until a Code for Sustainable Homes ‘Post Construction Stage’ assessment has been carried out and a final Code Certificate has been issued certifying that the required Code Level and 2 credits under Issue Ene7 has been achieved and the certificate has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure the proper planning of the area. In accordance with Government advice contained in Planning Policy Statement: Planning and Climate Change - Supplement to Planning Policy Statement 1 and in accordance with Policy SR1 of Chorley Borough Council's Adopted Sustainable Resources Development Plan Document and Sustainable Resources Supplementary Planning Document.


5.   The development hereby permitted shall not commence until samples of all external facing materials to the proposed building(s) (notwithstanding any details shown on previously submitted plan(s) and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall only be carried out using the approved external facing materials.

      Reason:  To ensure that the materials used are visually appropriate to the locality and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 and HS8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


6.   The development hereby permitted shall not commence until full details of the colour, form and texture of all hard ground- surfacing materials (notwithstanding any such detail shown on previously submitted plans and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall only be carried out in conformity with the approved details.

Reason:  To ensure a satisfactory form of development in the interest of the visual amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 and HS4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


7.   Before the development hereby permitted is first occupied, the car park and vehicle manoeuvring areas shall be surfaced or paved, drained and marked out all in accordance with the approved plan.  The car park and vehicle manoeuvring areas shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than the parking of and manoeuvring of vehicles.

      Reason:  To ensure adequate on site provision of car parking and manoeuvring areas and in accordance with Policy No. TR8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


8.   Surface water must drain separate from the foul and no surface water will be permitted to discharge to the foul sewerage system.

      Reason: To secure proper drainage and in accordance with Policy Nos. EP17 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


9.   Notwithstanding the details shown on the submitted plans, the proposed driveway/hardsurfacing to the front of the property shall be constructed using permeable materials on a permeable base, or provision shall be made to direct run-off water from the hard surface to a permeable or porous area or surface within the boundaries of the property (rather than to the highway), unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

      Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to prevent flooding, in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review and PPS25


10. During the construction period, all trees to be retained shall be protected by 1.2 metre high fencing as specified in paragraph 8.2.2 of British Standard BS5837:2005 at a distance from the tree trunk equivalent to the outermost limit of the branch spread, or at a distance from the tree trunk equal to half the height of the tree (whichever is further from the tree trunk), or as may be first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.  No construction materials, spoil, rubbish, vehicles or equipment shall be stored or tipped within the area(s) so fenced.  All excavations within the area so fenced shall be carried out by hand.

      Reason: To safeguard the trees to be retained and in accordance with Policy Nos. EP9 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


11. The development hereby permitted shall only be carried out in conformity with the proposed finished floor levels shown on the approved plan(s).

      Reason:  To protect the appearance of the locality and in the interests of the amenities of local residents and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 and HS4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


12. No development shall take place until a scheme for the provision and implementation of a surface water regulation system has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  No part of the development shall be occupied until the approved surface water drainage arrangements have been fully implemented.

      Reason: To secure proper drainage and to prevent flooding and in accordance with PPS25 and Policy No. EP18 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


13. Before the development hereby permitted commences, a Phase II: Intrusive Site Investigation shall be carried out as detailed at page 12 of the Sutcliffe Phase I Desk Study submitted with the application. Where the Phase II study deems necessary a remediation strategy/detailed specification for remedial works shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall then only be carried out in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed to in writing.

Reason: In the interest of safety and in accordance with PPS23.


14. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of any buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.

      Reason:  In the interest of the appearance of the locality and in accordance with Policy No GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


15. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order, with or without modification), no windows other than those expressly authorised by this permission, shall be inserted or constructed at any time in the side elevations of the properties hereby permitted.

Reason: To protect the amenities and privacy of the adjoining property and in accordance with policy HS4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

16. The approved plans are:

Plan Ref.                     Received On:           Title:

P1126 05 Rev J           28 September 2010  Proposed Site Plan

                                      (plan dated)

P1126 06 Rev A           23 July 2010               Site Elevations/Sections

P1126 SK06 Rev B     23 July 2010               Unit A1 Floor Plans & Elevations

P1126 SK07 Rev B     23 July 2010               Unit A2 Floor Plans & Elevations

P1126 SK08 Rev B     23 July 2010               Unit A3 Floor Plans & Elevations

P1126 SK09 Rev B     23 July 2010               Unit A4 Floor Plans & Elevations

P1126 SK10 Rev B     23 July 2010               Unit A5 Floor Plans & Elevations

P1126 SK11 Rev B     23 July 2010               Unit B1 Floor Plans & Elevations

P1126 SK12 Rev B     23 July 2010               Unit B2 Floor Plans & Elevations

P1126 SK13 Rev B     23 July 2010               Unit B3 Floor Plans & Elevations

P1126 SK14 Rev B     23 July 2010               Unit B4 Floor Plans & Elevations

P1126 SK15 Rev B     23 July 2010               Unit B5 Floor Plans & Elevations

P1126 SK16 Rev B     23 July 2010               Unit C1 Floor Plans & Elevations

P1126 SK17 Rev B     23 July 2010               Unit C2 Floor Plans & Elevations

Reason:  To define the permission and in the interests of the proper development of the site.’


17.No development shall take place until a scheme of landscaping has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, notwithstanding any such detail which may have previously been submitted.  The scheme shall indicate all existing trees and hedgerows on the land; detail any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of development; indicate the types and numbers of trees and shrubs to be planted, their distribution on site, those areas to be seeded, paved or hard landscaped; and detail any changes of ground level or landform. It shall specifically include details of hedgerow boundaries to be retained on the eastern boundary.

Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy No.GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review and PPS9.


18.All vegetation on the site shall be strimmed down to approximately 150mm prior to the commencement of works on site. A basic destructive search of any significant refugia (mainly piles of bark chippings) within the development footprint shall then be undertaken in order to identify an amphibians still remaining within the development area. If amphibians are found during these searches, they should be translocated to suitable (ideally similar) habitats within safeguarded areas.

     Reason: To discourage any common frogs out of the site and to safeguard any other amphibians and in accordance with PPS9.

Supporting documents: