The Council welcomes petitions and recognises that petitions are one way in which people can let us know their concerns.
All petitions sent or presented to the Council will receive an acknowledgement from the Council within 10 working days of receipt. This acknowledgement will set out what we plan to do with the petition. We will treat something as a petition if it is identified as being a petition and contains the names of more than ten signatories or if it seems to us that it is intended to be a petition.
For more details about petitions please see the attachment below.
An e-Petition is a web-based electronic petitioning tool which gives a petitioner the option to create an electronic petition instead of using a traditional paper copy petition. It is a quick and easy way to bring issues to the attention of the Council and to influence local decision making. This way, your petition can be made available to a potentially much wider audience, giving you the opportunity to gather more support for your petition.
For more details about epetitions please see the attachment below.