Decision details

Fees and Charges 2022/23

Decision Maker: Executive Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


1.    To note the current levels of budgeted fees and charges and the issues specific to these;

2.    To approve an increase in the charge for garden waste, from £30 to £32.50;

3.    To approve a general increase of 4.9% in the fees for 2022/23; given that the rate of CPI is currently running at 5.1%, and RPI at 7.1%, the recommended uplift is less than inflation and is limited to the services listed in Table 3 of Appendix 1.

4.    To approve the full list of fees and charges for upload onto the Council website.

Report author: Louise Mattinson

Publication date: 21/01/2022

Date of decision: 20/01/2022

Decided at meeting: 20/01/2022 - Executive Cabinet

Effective from: 29/01/2022

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