Decision details

Chorley Lodge, Bolton Road, Chorley

Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Deputy Leader, Councillor Peter Wilson, presented the confidential report of the Director of Commercial Services. 


The report sought instructions regarding the surrender of a long lease of Chorley Lodge Bolton Road Chorley, renovation of the property and marketing to bring back into economic use and occupation.


Members noted the Lodge was a Grade II listed building and that the entrance to Duxbury Park was also being affected and causing reputational damage to the Council.


Members debated the approach to resolving the issue and the risks associated with these.  Details relating to the discussion with the current leaseholder would be confirmed following the meeting to Councillor Sam Chapman. 


The Deputy Leader, Councillor Peter Wilson proposed and the Executive Member (Early Intervention), Councillor Bev Murray seconded and it was Resolved (by majority 31:7:1)

1.      Noted that it is intended to buy back the Lease from the tenant.

2.      Approval to the creation of a capital budget for the purchase and renovation of Chorley Lodge to bring the property back into occupation and economic use.

3.      Noted that on completion of the renovation, to market The Lodge to bring it back into economic use and occupation, with terms agreed reported for approval by the Executive Member for Resources.

Report author: Catherine Jagger

Publication date: 21/07/2022

Date of decision: 19/07/2022

Decided at meeting: 19/07/2022 - Council

Accompanying Documents: