Decision Maker: Executive Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member for resources presented the confidential report of the Interim Deputy Chief Executive which provides an overview on the procurement requirements for enabling the progression of the Bengal Street Depot Relocation Project. The report also seeks approval of the procurement strategy and evaluation criteria and delegates the contract awards to the Executive Member for approval.
1. To note and approve the procurement of the professional design team and contractor to deliver the new depot facility works at Common Bank (Ackhurst).
2. To note and approve the procurement of demolition and remediation contractor for the Bengal Street Depot site.
3. To delegate the approval of the procurement strategies to the Director of Governance for recommendation 2 & 3.
4. To delegate the contract award decision for both the design team and contractors on both sites to the Executive Member for approval.
Reasons for recommendations:
1. To ensure that the milestones and outputs on which the Brownfield Land Release Fund (BRLF) grant is secured are met.
2. To mitigate any risk to funding clawback on the Brownfield Land Release Fund.
3. To maintain progress with the development of the Bengal Street depot as a key gateway development site.
4. To future proof and provide an appropriate location for the Council’s Streetscene depot.
Other options considered and rejected:
1. Do nothing – rejected as this will not deliver the Council’s corporate objectives and put the BLRF funding to remediate the Bengal Street site for residential development at risk.
2. Several sites have been considered to re-locate the Bengal Street Depot site, but these have been dismissed on grounds that the sites are not suitable to facilitate all the requirements of a new facility.
Report author: Looqman Mulla
Publication date: 14/09/2023
Date of decision: 13/09/2023
Decided at meeting: 13/09/2023 - Executive Cabinet
Effective from: 22/09/2023
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