Decision Maker: Executive Member (Resources)
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Recommendations approved.
Reasons for recommendations
1. To undertake critical structural repairs required to the existing swimming pool facility due to the ongoing degradation of structural steel reinforcement and concrete to the main pool area floors to the fabric of the facility, this work will enhance the existing building and prolong the lifespan of the swimming baths and associated changing facilities, with an improvement on public facilities for visitors.
2. The Council has an obligation to maintain and refurbish the existing swimming pool to a safe and usable condition, the current swimming pool condition is poor and there are requirements for structural repairs to be undertaken.
3. This proposed appointment of contractor to undertake improvement works ensures that the Council can fulfil its obligations to provide a safe leisure/swimming pool provision.
Other options considered and rejected
To carry out no enhancement works and undertake essential maintenance only, such as patch repairing and ongoing structural propping. This option was rejected due to the requirement for enhancing the existing facility and maintaining the existing swimming programme offered by the leisure company.
Publication date: 21/11/2023
Date of decision: 21/11/2023
Effective from: 29/11/2023
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