Decision Maker: Executive Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
1. To note the current levels of individual budgeted fees and charges, and the issues specific to these.
2. To approve an uplift in the Strawberry Fields service charge of £1 per square foot to better reflect the current costs incurred at the site, as detailed at point 31.
3. To approve an increase in Leisure fees and charges of 1.7% in line with September CPI (rounded up to nearest 5p) as per point 26.
4. To approve an uplift in the rents of all Council owned housing (including Extra Care properties, but excluding Cotswold House) of 2.7%. This is the approach agreed by Executive Cabinet in July 2022 of increasing these rents by CPI plus 1%, with CPI based on the published rate for September each year. Service charges were not increased in 2024/25 but a review of the costs incurred has resulted in a recommendation to increase these by £2.60 per week from 2025/26.
5. To approve an increase in the rent charged at Cotswold House of 2.7%, plus an increase in service charge of 0.96% and an increase in personal charge of 4.39% as detailed in point 30.
6. To approve an increase in garden waste collection charges of £2.50 as per point 33.
7. To approve the changes in Astley Hall fees and charges as per point 34.
8. To approve an increase in Legal Charges as per point 32.
9. To approve a general increase of up to 1.7% in the fees for 2025/26 (limited to the services listed in Table 3 of Appendix 1) based on the rate of CPI in September 2024. An increase in costs may necessitate an increase in excess of 1.7% where these relate directly to the cost of products e.g tea / coffee charges. These will be limited to a maximum increase of £1 per unit.
10.To approve an increase in Market fees of 10% for Covered Market, Cabins and Permanent Street traders as per point 35. A £5 increase is proposed for temporary street traders.
11.To approve increases and changes to car parking charges as per point 36. The proposals around Hallgate and Yarrow to be approved in principle subject to further consideration of any potential displacement of vehicles and action required.
12.To approve the basis for new charging in relation to Biodiversity Net Gain and S.106 Monitoring fee as per point 37.
13.To approve an increase in cemetery fees as per point 38.
14.To approve the full list of fees and charges for upload onto the Council website.
Report author: Hemangini Chevli
Publication date: 23/01/2025
Date of decision: 23/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Executive Cabinet
Effective from: 01/02/2025
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