Decision Maker: Executive Member (Resources)
Decision status: Abandoned
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
That the current mayoral car be replaced by a Jaguar I Pace electric powered vehicle in line with the Council’s commitment to tackling climate change and air quality.
Reasons for recommendation(s):
The lease on the current Mayoral car has ended and it is important that a new vehicle is provided to ensure the Mayor is able to fulfil his important civic and community role, that the environmental commitments and aspirations of the Council are met, a British car marque is sourced and the vehicle meets service requirements.
Alternative options considered and rejected:
1. To replace the current car with a similar new petrol model, but this would not meet the environmental aspirations and commitment by the Council.
2. Delaying the contracting for a new mayoral car until such time as the supply/ demand issues for microchips is resolved and costs decrease, was considered. However, this was discounted as the period of delay would be uncertain and could be significant. It is felt that the environmental damage caused by the delay and the councils failure to act as a community leader outweighs the additional cost involved.
3. Sourcing and alternative electric vehicle could have realised annual savings on the lease fee, but alternative electric vehicles whilst meeting the environmental agenda criteria would fail to meet the priorities to support British business nor have the practical use benefits provided by the recommended vehicle.
Publication date: 07/10/2021
Date of decision: 07/10/2021
Effective from: 15/10/2021
Accompanying Documents: