Decision Maker: Council
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Councillor Matthew Lynch declared a personal interest in this item
due to his position on the Board of Jigsaw Homes North West.
The Executive Member (Homes and Housing), Councillor Terry Howarth, presented the report of the Director of Planning and Development which sought approval for the acquisition of a number of residential properties from a developer to meet the Council’s current objectives for housing provision
Members debated the proposals, including Councillors Alan Cullens, Aidy Riggott and Sam Chapman. Members noted the shortage of completions on affordable homes and that the proposals would guarantee the delivery of these units.
The Executive Member (Homes and Housing), Councillor Terry Howarth, proposed and the Deputy Leader, Councillor Peter Wilson seconded the recommendation as set out in the report.
Following a debate on the motion, a request was made under Council Procedure Rule 17.2 for a recorded vote on the motion, which was as follows:
For: Councillor Sarah Ainsworth, Aaron Beaver, Julia Berry (Mayor), Alistair Bradley, Mark Clifford, Karen Derbyshire, Gordon France, Margaret France, Danny Gee, Tommy Gray, Alex Hilton, Terry Howarth, Hasina Khan, Samir Khan, Zara Khan, Roy Lees, Adrian Lowe, Michelle Le Marinel, June Molyneaux, Alistair Morwood, Beverley Murray, James Nevett, Jean Sherwood, Arjun Singh, Kim Snape, Ryan Towers, Jenny Whiffen, Neville Whitham, Alan Whittaker, Peter Wilson.
Against: Councillor Sam Chapman, Alan Cullens, Magda Cullens, Harold Heaton, Keith Iddon, Alan Platt, Debra Platt, Aidy Riggott, John Walker.
Abstain: Councillor Martin Boardman.
The Mayor declared the recommendation carried and it was Resolved (by majority 30:9:1) that it be approved.
1. To acquire 24 affordable residential properties at Buckshaw Village from Persimmon Homes, subject to further negotiation
2. For delegated Authority to be granted to the Executive Member (Resources) to operate within an approved capital budget and, in consultation with the Director of Commercial Services, to agree the final purchase price for the properties following completion of the S106 Agreement and the finalisation of negotiations with Persimmon Homes, up to an agreed upper limit.
3. To increase the capital programme by up to an agreed upper limit for the purchase of 24 properties from Persimmon Homes with all of the acquisitions to be funded through prudential borrowing and S106 affordable housing contributions.
4. To increase the revenue budget by £91k per annum to reflect the increase in property maintenance and staffing costs across the council arising from the purchase of the 24 additional properties (note the costs are offset by rental income).
Councillor Zara Khan left the meeting at 8.20pm.
Report author: Michael Forster
Publication date: 17/11/2022
Date of decision: 15/11/2022
Decided at meeting: 15/11/2022 - Council
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