Decision details

All Seaons Gym Refurbishment - Procurement Strategy

Decision Maker: Executive Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Councillor Bev Murray, Executive Member for Early Intervention presented the report of the Director of Communities which set out to approve the procurement strategy to undertake the All Seasons Leisure Centre Improvements.


All Seasons Leisure Centre was the largest of the three venues and offered both wet and dry facilities. The centre consisted of a 47-station gym, a 25m pool, a teaching pool, four courts and two court sport halls. Group exercise and group cycle studios, and two squash courts.


The Leisure Centre historically faced underinvestment while outsourced. However, since the council took back control, a significant opportunity presented itself to revitalise and enhance the services provided.


Members supported the investment into All Seasons. 



1.         To approve the procurement strategy for the refurbishment of the gym at All Seasons leisure centre.

2.         To approve the inclusion in the procurement exercise for the installation of photovoltaic (PV) panels and additional metering and monitoring software at All Seasons Leisure centre. Funding for the works has been awarded from Sport England’s Swimming Pool Support Fund, this approval is subject to Council decision to confirm the acceptance of the funds.

3.         To approve a full public consultation on the family facilities in the pool and authority to award a direct contract following the completion of the consultation and to delegate the contract award to the Executive Member of Early Intervention to approve.

4.         To approve the direct contract award to Lyndhurst Precision Ltd for the manufacture of a pool walkway.

5.         To delegate the contract award for the main contractor to the Executive Member of Early Intervention for sign off.

6.         To note, following the completion of a condition survey further works maybe included in the refurbishment package to limit disruption, costs will be quantified at the second stage.

7.         To note, further reports will come forward as part of the wider leisure improvements.


Reasons for recommendations

To continue the delivery of the Leisure Facility improvements across the borough.


To provide the opportunity for Chorley Leisure to benefit from the latent demand in Chorley with the potential of attracting over 1000 new members, which would significantly increase income


Other options considered and rejected

Not to undertake the improvement works – this was discounted due to the current limited fitness offer provided, the opportunity to take advantage of the available latent demand and the opportunity to significantly increase the swimming offer.

Report author: Adam Welsby

Publication date: 17/06/2024

Date of decision: 13/06/2024

Decided at meeting: 13/06/2024 - Executive Cabinet

Effective from: 26/06/2024

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