Issue - meetings

Permission to Consult on the Revised Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy

Meeting: 30/03/2023 - Executive Cabinet (Item 75)

75 Permission to consult on the revised Private Sector Housing Assistance policy pdf icon PDF 264 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Director of Communities.

Additional documents:


1.    That Executive Cabinet approves the draft revised Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy for stakeholder consultation from April to June 2023, including consultation with the Equality Forum at their meeting on 20 June.

2.    That any minor changes to the draft policy following the consultation can be approved by the delegated authority of the Executive Member (Homes and Housing). Any significant changes arising from the consultation would be brought back to Executive Cabinet on 13 July 2023.


Councillor Terry Howarth, Executive Member for Homes and Housing presented the report of the Director of Communities which sought permission from Executive Cabinet to consult on the revised draft Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy, with a view to adopting the revised policy with effect from July 2023. The report also outlined the reasons for the key recommended changes in the revised draft Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy.


The Executive Cabinet noted that the draft revised policy had been compiled following publication of updated Government guidance to Local Authorities on the delivery of the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG). Any minor changes to the policy after the consultation period would be considered and approved through delegation to the Executive Member (Homes and Housing).


Members considered the key policy proposals which were set out in the report, including differences with the proposals and the relevant clause in the existing policy as well as an explanation as to why the item was being recommended. Several new proposed services such as Hospital Discharge Grants, Dementia Grants, Affordable Warmth Assistance and conversion of the DFG referral to Chorley Adaption Grants (CAG) referral were also included.


The appointment of an Occupational Therapist within the Home Improvement Agency (HIA) team was also proposed. This option would be addressed in more detail as an item at a future Executive Cabinet meeting, however Members supported this inclusion. The Executive Cabinet recognised the importance of this work and welcomed the proposals.



1.    That Executive Cabinet approves the draft revised Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy for stakeholder consultation from April to June 2023, including consultation with the Equality Forum at their meeting on 20 June.

2.    That any minor changes to the draft policy following the consultation can be approved by the delegated authority of the Executive Member (Homes and Housing). Any significant changes arising from the consultation would be brought back to Executive Cabinet on 13 July 2023.


Reasons for recommendations

1.    The existing Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy has been in place since June 2018 and is due for review. Certain aspects of the existing policy have either ceased (principally due to cessation of fixed term external funding) or are now being delivered differently.

2.    The Government issued updated Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Delivery Guidance for Local Authorities in England in 2022 which the proposed policy seeks to reflect.


Other options considered and rejected

As the Government has issued revised DFG Delivery Guidance it would not be appropriate to defer the revision of the Council’s Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy.