23 Queens Road Car Park Enhancement Scheme - Procurement Strategy PDF 90 KB
To receive and consider the report of the Interim Deputy Chief Executive.
1. To approve the procurement strategy and evaluation criteria for the enhancement works.
2. To delegate the award of the contract for the Queens Road car park scheme to the Executive Member for Resources.
Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member for Resources presented the report of the Interim Deputy Chief Executive which seeks approval for the procurement strategy and delegate contract award for the Queens Road car park enhancement scheme.
Members noted that the procurement of the contract is being undertaken in accordance with Chorley Councils procurement regulations for high value contracts. The procurement and evaluation criteria proposed comprise a single stage open tender with suitability questionnaire 60% cost, 25% quality and 15% Social Value split.
Members welcomed the proposals and recognised the need for the improvement works to the car park, as well as protecting the local environment and enhancing the green space.
1. To approve the procurement strategy and evaluation criteria for the enhancement works.
2. To delegate the award of the contract for the Queens Road car park scheme to the Executive Member for Resources.
Reasons for recommendations:
To provide a modern car parking facility for members of the public which maximises the use of space whilst providing an improved experience for visitors.
Other options considered and rejected:
To carry out no enhancement works and undertake essential maintenance such as patch repairing. This option was rejected due to the requirement for improved parking facilities, wider parking bays and current on-site hazards.