62 Review of Members' Allowances Scheme 2023 PDF 103 KB
To receive and consider the report of the Director of Governace.
Additional documents:
1. To add a new role within the Members Allowances Scheme ‘Deputy Portfolio Holder’ with a payment of £1,619.96.
2. To increase the payment for the Vice Chair of Governance from £56.70 (½ day) when they chair the meeting due to the absence of the Chair to a flat rate of £1,619.96 per annum.
3. To increase the payment for the Chair of Governance from £1,942.74 to £3,288.65.
4. To add an option to the annual uprate mechanism in the event of a lump sum payment to staff of the middle percentage of the salary scales, from the lowest – to the highest. The scales used would be the Shared Services pay scales, from the lowest scale up to the Chief Executive. The median percentage increase for 2022-23 and 2023-24 is 5.95% and 5.62% respectively.
5. To pay these new allowances with effect from the Annual Meeting in May 2023.
6. To authorise any consequential changes to the Constitution.
Councillor Alan Platt declared a personal interest as the Chair of the Governance Committee.
The Executive Leader, Councillor Alistair Bradley presented the report of the Director of Governance.
The members of the Independent Remuneration Panel were appointed by the Council at the last meeting and had met to consider the points as requested.
The Executive Leader and Leader of the Opposition thanked the Panel for their work.
Following a query from the Leader of the Opposition the Executive Leader agreed that the Deputy Portfolio Holders produce an annual report, in conjunction with their Executive Member, moving forwards.
The Executive Leader, Councillor Alistair Bradley proposed and the Deputy Leader, Councillor Peter Wilson seconded, and it was Resolved (40:0:1)
1. To add a new role within the Members Allowances Scheme ‘Deputy Portfolio Holder’ with a payment of £1,619.96.
2. To increase the payment for the Vice Chair of Governance from £56.70 (½ day) when they chair the meeting due to the absence of the Chair to a flat rate of £1,619.96 per annum.
3. To increase the payment for the Chair of Governance from £1,942.74 to £3,288.65.
4. To add an option to the annual uprate mechanism in the event of a lump sum payment to staff of the middle percentage of the salary scales, from the lowest – to the highest. The scales used would be the Shared Services pay scales, from the lowest scale up to the Chief Executive. The median percentage increase for 2022-23 and 2023-24 is 5.95% and 5.62% respectively.
5. To pay these new allowances with effect from the Annual Meeting in May 2023.
6. To authorise any consequential changes to the Constitution.