Approval for the Contract Award Procedure for ICT Hardware, Software and Support Services
To receive and consider the report of the Director of Customer and Digital.
1. To approve the contract award procedure for a number of joint procurements with South Ribble Council outlined at Appendix One for software, hardware and support services.
2. To approve the hierarchy for the procurement route outlined in paragraph 16.
3. To approve the evaluation criteria of 80% cost and 20% quality.
4. That the decision to award is delegated to the Executive Member Resources at Chorley Council
Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member for Resources presented the report of the Director of Customer and Digital, which set out to highlight the proposed shared procurement for ICT hardware, software, and support, and to seek agreement to the shared of costs and assessment criteria.
1. To approve the contract award procedure for a number of joint procurements with South Ribble Council outlined at Appendix One for software, hardware and support services.
2. To approve the hierarchy for the procurement route outlined in paragraph 16.
3. To approve the evaluation criteria of 80% cost and 20% quality.
4. That the decision to award is delegated to the Executive Member Resources at Chorley Council
Reasons for recommendation
By jointly procuring these contracts it ensures alignment of software and hardware across both authorities supporting Shared Services.
Other options considered and rejected
Each council could procure software independently, but this would make it very difficult to align software or services in future.