63 Healthy Weight Collaboration PDF 161 KB
To receive and consider the report of the Director of Communities.
Additional documents:
1. To receive the funding amount (£72,793 per year / 5 years - £363,965 / 8 years - £582,344 40,000 and create an expenditure budget to administer the funding.
2. To proceed to further develop and implement the proposed delivery plan.
The Executive Member (Early Intervention), Councillor Bev Murray presented the report of the Director of Communities which provided details of the proposed collaboration agreement with LCC to delivery Healthy Weight Services in Chorley.
Addressing unhealthy weight and supporting people to sustain weight loss was complex, with multiple causes, and had significant implications beyond health. A flexible service was needed that adapted to meet need and promote sustainability whilst contributing to a whole systems approach to tackling obesity, working closely and in partnership with stakeholders to improve outcomes for all.
Members noted the health benefits of maintaining a healthy weight and supported the five year funding for the initiative.
The Executive Member (Early Intervention), Councillor Bev Murray proposed and the Executive Member (Health, Wellbeing and Partnerships), Councillor Margaret France seconded and it was Resolved (unanimously)
1. To receive the funding amount (£72,793 per year / 5 years - £363,965 / 8 years - £582,344 40,000 and create an expenditure budget to administer the funding.
2. To proceed to further develop and implement the proposed delivery plan.