Issue - meetings

Local Plan Update

Meeting: 04/12/2023 - Central Lancashire Strategic Planning Joint Advisory Committee (Item 33)

33 Local Plan Update pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Report attached to be presented by the Project Director (Local Plan) (Chorley).



The Head of Spatial Planning (Chorley) presented an update report on progress of key pieces of ongoing work in the development of the new Central Lancashire Local Plan.


A robust timeframe was being developed to ensure delivery of the required work – the intention remained to submit the new Plan to the Secretary of State under the current regime by the deadline of 30 June 2025.


Draft findings of the employment land study, of over fifty identified sites, had been provided to officers with a final report to be presented at the next meeting of the committee outlining further details and implications.


A proposed methodology for the Strategic Transport Assessment had been agreed following discussions with Lancashire County Council and Jacobs consultants and was due to commence imminently. It was suggested that representatives from Jacobs attend a future meeting and deliver a presentation for the Committee.