46 Local Development Scheme Update PDF 82 KB
Report of the Interim Deputy Chief Executive (Chorley and South Ribble) attached.
Additional documents:
The Planning Policy Officer presented the report which highlighted a revised timetable for completion of the Central Lancashire Local Plan and sought agreement to recommend the updated Local Development Scheme for approval by Council or Cabinets at each of the three central Lancashire authorities (Chorley, Preston and South Ribble.)
Following significant changes to legislation around planning policy and plan-making, confirmation was provided that the three authorities remained committed to the delivery of the new Central Lancashire Local Plan under the existing statutory plan-making regime with the revised Local Development Scheme outlining how the June 2025 deadline for submission would be met.
The Local Development Scheme agreed in December 2022 had proposed that the Regulation 18 Preferred Options consultation would be carried out in two parts, however given the deadlines for submission the second consultation was no longer feasible. The consultation on the publication version of the Central Lancashire Local Plan, scheduled for early 2025, would provide an opportunity for further engagement.
Resolved – that the update be noted.