Issue - meetings

Charity and Trust Fund Final Accounts

Meeting: 22/05/2024 - Governance Committee (Item 9)

9 Charity and Trust Fund Final Accounts pdf icon PDF 134 KB


The Chair invited the Director of Finance to present the report which sought approval for the accounts of the charities and trusts that the Council is the sole trustee of for the year 2023/2024.


This annual report is presented to Committee to provide transparency given that the five charity and trust funds detailed are not included within the statutory accounts and therefore not required to be audited. As they are largely inactive, several having relatively small balances and, in some instances, identifying trustees being challenging, a recommendation to Cabinet to close down the accounts and transfer remaining balances to another body will be proposed at a future meeting.


In relation to the registered charity using the proceeds of the Former Free Library, further discussions would be required with the Charity Commission on how best to manage the account.


Resolved: (Unanimously)


That the accounts presented in Appendices A – E of the report be approved.