Issue - meetings

Household Support Fund Phase 5

Meeting: 14/05/2024 - Council (Item 14)

14 Household Support Fund Phase 5 pdf icon PDF 130 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Director  of Communities and Leisure.

Additional documents:


1.         To receive the grant amount of £310,345 as per the details within this report and create an expenditure budget to administer the grant.

2.         To proceed to develop a delivery plan which reflects specific criteria set out in the government guidance published to allocate and administer the grant.


The Executive Member (Early Intervention), Councillor Bev Murray, presented the report of the Director of Communities and Leisure.


The report provided details on the district element of the government’s Household Support Fund Phase 5 (HSF5), which was allocated to Chorley Council by Lancashire County Council.


It also sought approval to receive £310,345 allocated to Chorley to deliver the fund using specific criteria set out in the government guidance and to provide an overview of the proposed approach.


The Councils Communities team have been working in partnership with community partners to develop a delivery plan that responds to current issues but also encourages those who were in difficulty to access wider and more impactful support.


This approach was achieved by directing applicants through community organisations, social prescribing and other health pathways to provide a more holistic approach to resolving issues and encourage the development of skills and social contacts that would increase resilience and wellbeing as well as providing financial support.


The Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Debra Platt, thanked the officers, community organisations and those involved in delivering this, noting the funding originated from central government.


The Executive Member (Early Intervention), Councillor Bev Murray proposed and Deputy Portfolio Holder - Early Intervention, Councillor Hasina Khan seconded, and it was Resolved (unanimously)

1.         To receive the grant amount of £310,345 as per the details within this report and create an expenditure budget to administer the grant.

2.         To proceed to develop a delivery plan which reflects specific criteria set out in the government guidance published to allocate and administer the grant.