7 Key Contracts and Partnerships Framework Refresh PDF 107 KB
To receive and consider the report of the Director of Change and Transformation.
Additional documents:
To approve the refreshed Key Contracts and Partnerships Framework.
Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member for Resources, presented the report of the Director of Change and Delivery which presented the refreshed Key Contracts and Partnerships Framework.
The report set out monitoring arrangements for contracts and partnerships whose significant justified additional scrutiny, this could be due to the combination of monetary value, length of the commitment, their impact on the council’s strategic objectives or the level of associated risk.
The framework currently monitored 14 contracts and partnerships, 10 of which were also monitored by South Ribble’s Key Contract and Partnership Framework. The framework refresh proposed to create a shared framework with South Ribble Borough Council, to support aligned ways of working for shared services staff while ensuring the framework remained fit for purpose.
To approve the refreshed Key Contracts and Partnerships Framework.
Reasons for recommendations
To ensure that the framework remains fit for purpose and supports aligned ways of working within shared services.
Other options considered and rejected
To not refresh the framework, which would result in the identified improvements not being implemented. This was rejected as it would not ensure the framework remained fit for purpose.
To not share the updated framework with South Ribble Borough Council. This would mean that shared officers would adhere to different framework criteria, in cases for contracts monitored by both councils. This was rejected as it would not support aligned ways of working.