Issue - meetings

Selectmove - Piloting proposed amendments to the Allocations Policy

Meeting: 18/02/2016 - Executive Cabinet (Item 199)

199 Selectmove - Piloting proposed amendments to the Allocations Policy pdf icon PDF 540 KB

Report of the Director of Customer and Advice Services (enclosed)


Approval of the Council’s consultation response relating to proposed amendments to the Select Move Allocation Scheme be granted.


The report of the Director of Customer and Advice Services was presented by the Executive Member for Customer and Advice Services informing members of a number of proposed changes to the operation of the Select Move Allocation Policy that had been received from the main Registered Providers (RPs) within the Select Move Partnership operating in the Chorley area.


The report also sought formal approval of the Council’s consultation response relating to the policy amendments that were being piloted.


The Select Move steering group had conducted a mini review of the Select Move Common allocation Policy in order to achieve a number of aims set out in the report that were around improving performance on Lettings, Inward Migration and High demand properties.


The policy changes would not affect the Council’s ability to deliver its statutory obligations regarding the prevention of homelessness and providing that the Council were satisfied that the success factors had been met would seek formal approval of the changes to be made permanent by Executive Cabinet in six-month’s time.



That approval of the Council’s consultation response relating to proposed amendments to the Select Move Allocation Scheme be granted.


Reasons for recommendation(s)

To accept and commit to the changes entered into by the Select Move Partnership which in the main mirrors those proposed and accepted by Preston and South Ribble Councils. However to ensure Chorley residents are not disadvantaged the changes will be piloted by the whole partnership and include quarterly review meetings between the Council and the Registered Providers to review progress and monitor impact.


Alternative options considered and rejected.

To refuse to accept the proposed changes could likely result in the Registered Providers giving their notice to withdraw from Select Move and the Council has no powers to prevent this or Chorley Council would operate on and assess households using a different policy. The demise of Select Move would result in the need for the Council to revert back to the old nominations system whereby Registered Provider’s provide the Council with a proportion of their voids as nominations on some of their stock. To operate a different policy from Registered Providers and our neighbouring authorities within the Select Move scheme would not only be confusing for the applicant, but could prove to be a disadvantage for Chorley applicants in obtaining permanent housing.