14 18/00269/REMMAJ - Parcel H1B Group, Euxton Lane, Euxton PDF 218 KB
Additional documents:
Reserved matters consent granted, subject to conditions.
Officers informed the Committee that additional letters had been sent out to the occupiers of neighbouring properties to notify them about the application. The time period for any representations to be made by is 5 June 2018.
After careful consideration, it was proposed by Councillor Chris France, seconded by Councillor Alistair Morwood, and subsequently RESOLVED (unanimously) – That Members were minded to grant reserved matters consent, subject to conditions, and if no representations had been received once the publicity period had lapsed which raised any material planning considerations not already addressed in the officer report, the addendum or at the committee meeting on 22 May 2018, the decision be delegated to the Director of Customer and Digital in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair.