Approval of Tender Evaluation Criteria for Security/Concierge Services
To receive and consider the report of the Director of Commercial Services (enclosed).
1. To approve the extension of the Sector concierge contract for Primrose Gardens and Cotswold House for a maximum of 12 months (with options to terminate at 6 or 9 months should the review be concluded early).
2. To approve the award and extension of the Exclusec concierge contract for Strawberry Fields for a maximum of 12 months (with options to terminate at 6 or 9 months should the review be concluded early).
3. To approve the award and extension of the New Concept security contract for Market Walk for a maximum of 12 months (with options to terminate at 6 or 9 months should the review be concluded early).
Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member (Resources), presented the confidential report of the Director of Commercial Services which seeks members’ approval for the temporary extension to existing concierge contracts exceeding £100,000, whilst a full-service review is undertaken as well as formalising the initial contract award to Exclusec for concierge service at the Strawberry Fields as the cumulative value exceeds £100,000.
1. To approve the extension of the Sector concierge contract for Primrose Gardens and Cotswold House for a maximum of 12 months (with options to terminate at 6 or 9 months should the review be concluded early).
2. To approve the award and extension of the Exclusec concierge contract for Strawberry Fields for a maximum of 12 months (with options to terminate at 6 or 9 months should the review be concluded early).
3. To approve the award and extension of the New Concept security contract for Market Walk for a maximum of 12 months (with options to terminate at 6 or 9 months should the review be concluded early).
Reasons for recommendation(s):
1. The concierge and security service across all council assets is currently under a full collective review, rather than as individual contracts, and the existing contracts need formally extending until the results of the review can determine the shape of future 3rd party service requirements.
2. The Covid pandemic has highlighted new ways of flexible working that can be considered as part of a full security (reception) service review to the benefit of the council.
3. The new digital CCTV and radio network allows the CCTV control room to be relocated more easily and for option to be evaluated to integrate that service into a holistic asset security team.
4. 24-hour secure access is listed within the tenants’ Lease agreements for all sites and tenants make contributions to cover the cost of service as part of their service charges contributions so savings in contracts may not create direct savings for the council.
5. Sites are advertised as 24-hour access buildings with on-site security/concierge and any changes to this commitment requires advance notice and consultation to assess the impact.
6. A waiver of procurement procedures for all three contracts has been signed by the Chief Executive.
Alternative options considered and rejected:
1. To continue with existing contracts tendered individually. This would not achieve any economies of scale or service improvements.
2. To combine all existing contracts into one tendering process and award to a single provider. This would achieve economies of scale but not allow for the review of ways of working across the organisation to achieve service improvements.