52 Workplace Strategy PDF 110 KB
To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive (enclosed).
Additional documents:
That the Workplace Strategy is approved and progressed to support the future efficient operation of the organisation.
Councillor Alistair Bradley, Executive Member (Economic Development and Public Service Reform), presented the report of the Deputy Chief Executive which sets out the Workplace Strategy 2021-2024 for consideration and approval.
The Workplace Strategy is the beginning of an ambitious plan and programme of works to transform where and how the council will work over the next three years. The strategy has been developed based on the experience of working through the Covid- 19 pandemic, best practice, and feedback from staff. It aims to achieve flexibility and efficiency while maintaining productivity and performance. It sets out the vision, priorities, objectives, principles, and approach to developing our working places and practices for the future.
Members welcomed the report and discussed the Workplace Strategy and flexible working, in particular the wellbeing of staff, Members interconnectivity with officers, the impact on the local economy and how to manage the impact on the Town Centre, as well as requesting a detailed cost-benefit analysis.
Members recognised the possibility that more than 50% of office-based staff would need to be accommodated for at any one time and discussed how to overcome this. Utilising alternate council offices as part of the shared service and alternative town centre offices were suggested. Members also focused on reaching out to staff in the villages by creating offices in the community through partnership working and providing office drop-in centres, such as libraries in rural areas.
It was requested that the report be amended to make reference to consultation with Councillors and proposed that updates on the Workplace Strategy be regularly reported back to Members.
That the Workplace Strategy is approved and progressed to support the future efficient operation of the organisation.
Reasons for recommendation(s):
To realise the social, economic, and environmental benefits of new ways of working in line with the changing operating context and workforce expectations.
Alternative options considered and rejected:
To revert back to pre-Covid-19 working practices. This option has been rejected based on the opportunities presented to modernise our approach and in line with feedback from staff.