82 Shared Customer Services and Revenues & Benefits Review PDF 184 KB
To receive and consider the report of the Director of Customer and Digital.
The Executive Cabinet approve the following proposals:
a) the proposed shared Customer Services restructure including ERVS requests. the development of the shared service as set out in the service development plan.
b) Principles for:
i. Flexible and multi-channel working
ii. Making best use of technology and automation
iii. Waste services
Councillor Adrian Lowe, Executive Member (Streetscene and Customer Services) presented the report of the Director of Customer Services which outlines the background, approach and findings of the service review for Chorley and South Ribble Councils’ Customer Services and Revenues and Benefits, setting out recommendations for the service restructure and service development plan.
This report also includes feedback and changes made through presenting the proposals to Shared Services Joint Committee and formal consultation. This has included increasing the number of posts from 84 to 90 to allow for extra capacity for the service.
Members welcomed the report and discussed the additional six apprenticeship posts to take the number of posts from 84 to 90 and recognised that the annual contribution from reserves towards the apprentices will be £91k for Chorley; although this was part of a saving of £206k overall.
The Executive Cabinet approve the following proposals:
a) the proposed shared Customer Services restructure including ERVS requests. the development of the shared service as set out in the service development plan.
b) Principles for:
i. Flexible and multi-channel working
ii. Making best use of technology and automation
iii. Waste services
Reasons for recommendations:
Approval of the recommendations will enable the Customer Services and Revenues & Benefits service to develop into a shared service with a single operating model, as previously agreed by both councils.
Alternative options considered and rejected:
Alternative options for the Customer Services & Revenues and Benefits structure have been considered in the production of the report and the final proposal is considered to be the most effective approach to achieving a single operating model as previously agreed by the councils.