22 Re-opening of Astley Hall PDF 170 KB
To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive.
Additional documents:
1. To introduce an admission fee for entry into Astley Hall as set out in this report.
2. To agree a concessionary rate for residents.
3. To note the increased opening hours of the Hall to provide more opportunities for people to visit.
4. To approve the other related fees and charges, including weddings, as set out in Appendix A.
The Executive Leader, Councillor Alistair Bradley, presented the report of the Deputy Chief Executive with proposals for re-opening Astley Hall following the extensive renovations. This included the introduction of an admission fee to support the long-term sustainability of one of the most historic and landmark attractions in the borough.
Councillor Aidy Riggott expressed his view that, whilst charges were appropriate for weddings, an entrance charge to the Hall should not be levied as this might damage the visitor economy. Councillor Bradley explained that it was not viable for the council to maintain the Hall without the fee, and that feedback had been received that people would pay a small fee to visit the Hall.
Councillor Aidy Riggott proposed, and Councillor Martin Boardman seconded an amendment that only recommendations 3 and 4 be approved.
A vote was undertaken and the amendment was lost (by majority).
The Executive Leader, Councillor Alistair Bradley proposed and the Executive Member for Customer and Streetscene Services, Councillor Adrian Lowe seconded the (by majority) Decision
1. To introduce an admission fee for entry into Astley Hall as set out in this report.
2. To agree a concessionary rate for residents.
3. To note the increased opening hours of the Hall to provide more opportunities for people to visit.
4. To approve the other related fees and charges, including weddings, as set out in Appendix A.