Issue - meetings

Asim Khan's report

Meeting: 25/01/2022 - Council (Item 17)

Allocation of budget for ICT hardware and software

To receive and consider the report Director of Customer and Digital. 


1.         To establish a capital budget of £1.120million, in respect of the councils share of ICT spend in a joint procurement between Chorley Council and South Ribble Council.

2.         To fund capital expenditure through the repurposing of existing budget and reserves, but to note that further work will be undertaken over the coming weeks, as we approach the end of the financial year, to consider if there are any advantages to funding some of the costs of the proposal through borrowing; if borrowing is deemed to be preferable, then approval for a change in the proposed funding mechanism will be presented to Council.

3.         Agreement in principle to repurpose existing infrastructure and formulae to distribute cost between the respective councils. This be determined later under delegated powers by the Executive Member (Resources) at Chorley Council and Cabinet Member (Finance, Property and Assets) at South Ribble Council.


The Deputy Leader, Councillor Peter Wilson, presented the confidential report of the Director of Customer and Digital.


The purpose of the report was to seek approval to allocate the necessary capital funding for the procurement of ICT hardware, software, and professional services.


Members noted that detail of the procurement will be considered by the Executive Cabinet.  The schemes would be added to the capital programme and monitored through the usual budget monitoring processes.


The Deputy Leader, Councillor Peter Wilson proposed, the Executive Member (Customer and Streetscene Services), Councillor Adrian Lowe seconded, the (unanimous) Decision

1.         To establish a capital budget of £1.120million, in respect of the councils share of ICT spend in a joint procurement between Chorley Council and South Ribble Council.

2.         To fund capital expenditure through the repurposing of existing budget and reserves, but to note that further work will be undertaken over the coming weeks, as we approach the end of the financial year, to consider if there are any advantages to funding some of the costs of the proposal through borrowing; if borrowing is deemed to be preferable, then approval for a change in the proposed funding mechanism will be presented to Council.

3.         Agreement in principle to repurpose existing infrastructure and formulae to distribute cost between the respective councils. This be determined later under delegated powers by the Executive Member (Resources) at Chorley Council and Cabinet Member (Finance, Property and Assets) at South Ribble Council.