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Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Chorley
Contact: Nina Neisser Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of meeting Tuesday, 5 March 2019 of Development Control Committee PDF 67 KB Minutes: Decision – That the minutes of the Development Control Committee held on 5 March 2019 be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chair. |
Declarations of Any Interests Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any pecuniary interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda.
If you have a pecuniary interest you must withdraw from the meeting. Normally you should leave the room before the business starts to be discussed. You do, however, have the same right to speak as a member of the public and may remain in the room to enable you to exercise that right and then leave immediately. In either case you must not seek to improperly influence a decision on the matter. Minutes: Three declarations of interest were received.
Councillor Aaron Beaver declared an interest on items 3b) 19/00046/ADV – Holmes Farm, Sandy Lane, Brindle, Chorley and 3c)19/00066/FUL – Holmes Farm, Sandy Lane, Brindle, Chorley and left the meeting for consideration of these items.
Councillor Martin Boardman declared an interest on item 3d) 18/01202/FUL – Unit T5, Towngate Works, Dark Lane, Mawdesley, Ormskirk, L40 2QU |
Planning applications to be determined The Director (Customer and Digital) has submitted four items for planning applications to be determined (enclosed).
Plans to be considered will be displayed at the meeting or may be viewed in advance by following the links to the current planning applications on our website. Minutes: The Director of Customer and Digital submitted four items for consideration. In considering the applications, Members of the Development Control Committee took into account the agenda reports, the addendum and the verbal representations and submissions provided by officers and individuals. |
Additional documents: Decision: Full planning permission granted, subject to conditions. Minutes: Registered speakers: Malcolm Cook (Objector), Ian Horsfield (Parish Councillor) and Peter Wilson (Ward Councillor)
After careful consideration it was proposed by Councillor Martin Boardman, seconded by Councillor Chris France and a decision was subsequently taken (7:3:1) that full planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions in the report, an additional condition securing the inclusion of mammal pathways in the fencing and an amendment to condition 3 ensuring that the colour of the fence be first agreed in writing; the wording of which be delegated to the Director of Customer and Digital in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair.
Cllr Aaron Beaver left the meeting.
19/00046/ADV - Holmes Farm, Sandy Lane, Brindle, Chorley PDF 85 KB Additional documents: Decision: Advertisement consent granted, subject to conditions. Minutes: After careful consideration it was proposed by Councillor Chris France, seconded by Councillor Gordon France and a decision was subsequently taken (unanimously) that advertisement consent be granted, subject to conditions in the report, an additional condition limiting the hours of illumination to thirty minutes before and thirty minutes after the approved opening hours, and an additional condition regarding the installation of a light shield on the sign; the wording of which be delegated to the Director of Customer and Digital in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair.
19/00066/FUL - Holmes Farm, Sandy Lane, Brindle, Chorley PDF 103 KB Additional documents: Decision: Full planning permission granted, subject to conditions. Minutes: After careful consideration it was proposed by Councillor Chris France, seconded by Councillor Gordon France and a decision was subsequently taken (unanimously) that full planning permission be granted, subject to conditions in the report.
Cllr Aaron Beaver returned.
Cllr Martin Boardman left the meeting.
18/01202/FUL - Unit T5, Towngate Works, Dark Lane, Mawdesley, Ormskirk, L40 2QU PDF 123 KB Additional documents: Decision: Full planning permission granted, subject to conditions. Minutes: Registered speaker: Madeline Moulden (Objector)
After careful consideration it was proposed by Councillor John Dalton that the decision be deferred to allow Members to visit the site of the proposal. The motion was seconded by Councillor Gordon France. A vote was taken, and the motion was lost (3:7:0).
It was proposed by Councillor Chris France, seconded by Councillor Aaron Beaver and a decision was subsequently taken (7:0:3) that full planning permission be granted, subject to conditions in the report with a revision to condition 3 requiring all materials to be first agreed in writing, and additional conditions ensuring no earthworks affecting the existing bund on the boundary with 16 Dark Lane be carried out as part of the works to construct the units hereby approved and the submission of a construction management plan; the wording of which be agreed by the Director of Customer and Digital in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair.
Cllr Martin Boardman returned. |
Proposed Confirmation of Tree Preservation Order No.4 (Charnock Richard) 2018 PDF 101 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members resolved unanimously that the order be confirmed without modification. |
Section 215 Notice - 62 Highfield Road South PDF 106 KB Report of the Director of Customer and Digital (enclosed). Minutes: After careful consideration, it was proposed by Councillor Chris France, seconded by Councillor Gordon France, and a decision was subsequently taken (unanimously) – That a S215 notice be issued in respect on the untidy land for the following reason: a) That the land is causing unacceptably adverse effects on the visual amenity of the area by virtue of the overgrown nature of the vegetation in the front garden. |
Planning Appeals and Decisions Received between 25 February 2019 and 31 March 2019 PDF 95 KB Report of Director (Customer and Digital) enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Customer and Digital submitted a report which set out planning appeals and decisions received between 25 February 2019 and 31 March 2019.
Two appeals had been lodged, one appeal dismissed, and one appeal allowed. Two enforcement appeals had also been lodged.
The Planning Services Manager provided members with a verbal update regarding a successful prosecution by the Council against the breach of an enforcement notice requiring removal of a steel frame at Holt Farm, Coppull. This resulted in a £14,000 fine for the owner and £920 awarded for the payment of council costs. |