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Venue: Lancastrian, Town Hall, Chorley
Contact: Cathryn Filbin Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions The Chair will welcome everyone to the meeting. Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked those on the top table to introduce themselves. Attendees were reminded to introduce themselves, state the organisation they represented, if applicable, and to use the microphone when addressing the meeting. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of David Brown (Chorley Pensioners Association), Dawn Clarke (Central Lancashire PCT), Peter Cogley (Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service), Brian and Yvonne Curwen (Walking for Health), Judy Daniels (Disability Forum), Matthew and Victoria Hansford and members of the Youth Council, Deanna Hartley Davies (Runshaw College), Albert and Rita Jeffrey (Deaf Forum), Caroline Linfitt (Chorley Churches Together), John Miller (LGBT community), Geraldine Moore (Age UK Lancashire), Alison Rigby (Holly Cross) and Victoria Willett (Partnership Officer). |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2012 (enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2012 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals - our Approach to Equality and Diversity PDF 143 KB Stephanie Iaconianni, the Equality and Diversity lead officer for Lancashire Teaching Hospitals will give a presentation.
What is the purpose of this item? The purpose is to describe Lancashire Teaching Hospitals commitment to equality and diversity and how this will be implemented in the Trust to provide quality for patients and service users
Questions for the Forum How can the Trust meet the needs of patients and service users in the Chorley area, taking into consideration the 9 equality protected characteristics? Suggest ideas on how the Trust can consult effectively with patients, service users and the local community.
What are we going to do with the information? The information provided will be considered by the Trust’s Equality and Diversity Strategy Group and where appropriate implemented in areas identified. Consultation will be published on the Trust’s website.
Stephanie Iaconianni can be contacted on email Minutes: Members of the Forum received a presentation on the approach to equality, diversity and involvement by Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust by Stephanie Iaconianni.
Members of the Forum raised a number of questions which included: · Did Chorley and Preston Hospitals have a policy for sending patients home at night? · Why had some dental patients been transferred from West Bank dental surgery to a dental surgery in Ashton, Preston? · Was there a policy of double booking appointments at the dental surgery in Ashton, Preston? · What consultation took place, and who was consulted on the price increase for car parking at Chorley hospital? · What was the total number of disabled parking bays at Chorley hospital?
Stephanie agreed to investigate these issues and a response would be sent to the individuals concerned. A response to all the questions would be included in the Q&A to be sent out with the agenda for the next meeting.
Following concerns raised by members of the Forum, Stephanie offered to meet with Maureen Kay and Suzie Jones to discuss possible improvements in the facilities for deaf people who present themselves at the Accident and Emergency Departments.
For more information Stephanie can be contacted on email Stephanie’s presentation can be viewed on Chorley Council’s website. |
Heather Corson, Community Safety Officer – Vulnerability, form South Ribble Borough Council, will present this item.
What is the purpose of this item? To raise awareness of the impact of domestic abuse within diverse groups
Questions for the Forum? How to work more inclusive with diverse groups.
What are we going to do with the information?
Ensure that attendees will have access to helplines and specialist agencies.
Heather Corson can be contacted on 01772 625577 or email
Minutes: Heather Corson, Community Safety Officer for Chorley and South Ribble Councils gave a presentation which raised awareness of the impact domestic abuse had within diverse groups and provided information to helplines and specialist agencies.
Following comments raised by Suzie Jones, Heather acknowledged that facilities for people with disabilities leaving violent relationships needed to be improved and encouraged people from all nine of the equality strands to feedback any suggested improvements.
For more information Heather can be contacted on 01772 625577 or email Heather’s presentation can be viewed on Chorley Council’s website. |
Rural Housing Needs Survey - results PDF 330 KB Mick Coogan, Strategic Housing Officer for Chorley Council will present this item.:
What is the purpose of this item? With Rurality being one of Chorley Council’s equality strands we thought it important that the Equality Forum is made aware of the study and its findings.
Questions for the Forum? Any comments regarding the study and rural housing need are welcome from the forum.
What are we going to do with the information? The information from the study will be able to be assist on future decisions for residential developments in rural parishes in Chorley however planning policy will always take precedence
Mick Coogan can be contacted on 01257 515552 or email Minutes: Members of the Forum received a presentation from Mick Coogan, the Strategic Housing Officer for Chorley Council on the results of the Rural Housing Needs Study.
The main findings in the report included the lack of affordable homes for new households wishing to remain in their current parish, and the lack of suitable homes for older people.
The recommendations which had been approved at Chorley Council’s Executive Cabinet on 20 October 2011 included: · The report be used to inform the Council on new rural residential developments · Priority be given to people who had local connection to the parish · Appropriate intermediate home ownership models be considered · Developers be encouraged to included 2/3 bed bungalows in new rural developments.
A copy of the Rural Housing Needs Study report can be viewed by clicking on the link below:
Mick can be contacted on 01257 515552 or email Mick’s presentation can be viewed on Chorley Council’s website. |
Draft Prevention of Homelessness Strategy Mick Coogan, the Strategic Housing Officer for Chorley Council will present this item.
What is the purpose of this item? To make the forum aware of the document, its aims and priorities.
Questions for the Forum? To seek comments on the document, particular if any equality strand may be perceived as possibly being impacted in a positive or negative way
What are we going to do with the information? It will help inform the Integrated impact Assessment and the final draft of the Prevention of Homelessness Strategy
Mick Coogan can be contacted on 01257 515552 or email Minutes: Lesley-Ann Fenton, Director of Partnerships, Planning and Policy advised that a consultation was underway with key stakeholders and housing associations on the joint Chorley and South Ribble Councils’ Draft Prevention of Homelessness Strategy. The Strategy which replaced previous strategies was in line with existing statutory requirements placed on local Housing Authorities by the Homelessness Act 2002. The three key priorities of the strategy were: · Improving the services for customers · Reducing the use of temporary accommodation · Increasing the prevention of homelessness The Strategy was approved for consultation at the Executive Cabinet held on 29 March 2012. Members of the Forum discussed various aspects of the strategy and of the homelessness situation in the borough of Chorley. In response to Councillor Murfitt’s concerns, Lesley-Ann acknowledged that the majority of services provided where situated in the town centre. However, an outreach service was now operating at Clayton Brook. The draft Strategy which could be viewed on Chorley Council’s website or by clicking the following link:
Comments on the Strategy should be submitted to Zoe Whiteside via email before Friday, 29 June 2012 when the consultation closes. Should you require further information contact Zoe at the same email address. |
Social Isolation Task and Finish Group PDF 558 KB Chris Sinnott. Head of Policy and Communications for Chorley Council will present this item.
What is the purpose of this item? This item will provide an update to the Forum on the key findings and outcomes of the first meeting of the Social Isolation Task and Finish Group, held on 1 March 2012, along with proposed next steps.
Questions for the Forum? There are no specific questions for the Forum but if members have any additional contributions or have different experiences of social isolation that they would like to offer, they should contact
What happens next? The task and finish group will meet again to develop this work and a further update will be provided at the next Equality Forum.
Should you require more information contact Vicky Willett on 01257 515348 or email Minutes: Chris Sinnott, Head of Policy and Communications for Chorley Council provided an update for Members of the Forum on the Social Isolation Task and Finish Group.
The first meeting had taken place on 1 March 2012, and included representatives from Lancashire County Council - Social Care, Chorley Council, representatives from the VCFS sector and the Equality Forum. At the meeting key questions and outcomes were discussed which included how available provision could be connected to individuals.
In response to Councillor Alison Hansford’s concern that there appeared to be no young people on the Task and Finish Group, Chris Sinnott confirmed that the Youth Council had been approached to take part in the Task and Finish Group but at that time, had not responded.
The next steps for the Task and Finish Group included the development of a profile for social isolation in Chorley, investigation of wider data sources and the development of a plan which detailed the approach to be used to tackle this issue for Chorley.
The date of the next meeting had been confirmed as Tuesday, 22 May, 2012 anyone who wished to get involved in the Task Group would be welcomed.
For further information contact Vicky Willett on 01257 515348 or email Chris’s presentation can be viewed on Chorley Council website. |
Update on Equality Objectives Chris Sinnott, Head of Policy and Communications for Chorley Council will present this item.
What is the purpose of this item?
This item is to inform members of the Forum that in line with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010, the Council have now published Equality Information and Objectives on the Council website.
Questions for the Forum? There are no specific questions for the Forum although any comments can be made by contacting
What happens next? We will keep Forum members up to date with this area of work and ensure that they are aware of the Council’s activity in relation to the Equality Act 2010.
Should you require more information contact Vicky Willett on 01257 515348 or email The information and objectives have now been published on our website here: Minutes: Chris Sinnott updated members of the Forum on Chorley Council’s Equality Objectives 2012-2016.
The Equality Act 2010 required Councils to publish a list of equalities objectives. The purpose of which was to strengthen the Council performance of the general equality duty, through providing focus on achieving specific outcomes.
A list of the Chorley Council’s equality objectives and the approached used to identify those objectives can be found on the Council’s website or by clicking the link
For further information contact Vicky Willett on 01257 515348 or email |
Open Forum to discuss any issues for each equality strand |
Age Minutes: No issues were raised. |
Disability Minutes: Suzie Jones provided details of a meeting for REACH 2012, see minute number 12.EF.34 Notices/Feedback/Publicity for further information. |
Gender Reassignment Minutes: No issues were raised. |
Pregnancy and Maternity Minutes: No issues were raised. |
Race Minutes: No issues were raised. |
Religion and Belief Minutes: No issues were raised. |
Rurality Minutes: No issues were raised. |
Sex Minutes: No issues were raised. |
Sexual Orientation Minutes: Following concerns raised by Julia Berry about the lack of issues raised under this and the sex equality strand Members of the Forum were informed that the Council held meetings outside the Equality Forum with people who represented the two equality strands.
The Chair supported the proposal from Stephanie Iaconianni that a representative from the Gender Reassignment Unit be a guest speaker at a future meeting of the Forum. |
Notices / Feedback / Publicity Members of the Forum are welcome to inform other members of upcoming event, give feedback or notices. Minutes: REACH 2012 Planning Meeting – 19 April 2012
Suzie Jones invited anyone who wished to get involved in REACH 2012 to attend a planning meeting on Thursday, 19 April 2012 at 2pm in the Civic Centre, Leyland, PR25 1DH.
The purpose of the meeting was to agree the date, time, and locations for the events taking place in Chorley and South Ribble during the month August.
Preston Health Mela – 21 April 2012
Stephanie Iaconianni reported that Preston Health Mela would take place on 21 April 2012 at the Guild Hall in Preston, between the hours of 10am and 5pm, and would provide those who attended the opportunity to receive a free health MOT check up. The event would also include entertainment and stalls from different health organisations. The event was open to all members of the public regardless of background or age.
Free parking on Preston bus station car park was available to those who attended the Mela.
Dates of Future Meetings The dates for future meetings of the Equality Forum have been confirmed as:: · Thursday, 5 July 2012 · Tuesday, 9 October 2012 · Monday, 21 January 2013 · Tuesday, 16 April 2013
All meetings will commence at 6.30pm and will be held in the Lancastrian Room, Town Hall, Chorley unless otherwise stated on the agenda. Minutes: Members of the Forum noted dates of future meetings: · Thursday, 5 July 2012 · Tuesday, 9 October 2012 · Monday, 21 January 2013 · Tuesday, 16 April 2013
All meetings would take place at 6.30pm in the Lancastrian Room, Town Hall, Chorley unless advised otherwise.
Networking break Minutes: At the conclusion of the meeting, members of the Forum were encouraged to take part in the networking session. |