Agenda and minutes

Equality Forum - Thursday, 11th October 2012 6.30 pm app available
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Venue: Lancastrian, Town Hall, Chorley

Contact: Cathryn Filbin  Email:

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions

The Chair will welcome everyone to the meeting. 


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Councillor June Molyneaux, the Mayor of Chorley.


Attendees were reminded to introduce themselves, state the organisation they represented, if applicable, and to use the microphone when addressing the meeting.


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Alison Hansford, Diane Gradwell (Citizens Advice Bureau), Jeanette Hickey (Lancashire Constabulary), Stephanie Iaconianni (Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), Marion Rawnsley (University of the Third Age), Maureen and Ronnie Kay (Deaf Forum), Bob Minto (NHS Central Lancashire), Alan Capstick (Lancashire County Council), Peter Cogley (Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service), Maruel Urry (Hoghton Parish Council), Kieran Banatia and Naz Zaman.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To confirm the minutes of the last meeting of the Equality Forum held on 5 July 2012.

Additional documents:


That the minutes of the meeting held on 5 July 2012 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Feedback from interactive session

The Chair of the Equality Forum, Councillor Hasina Khan, will introduce this item. 


The Forum will receive:

1.   A re-cap of key themes and ideas from the interactive session in July

2.   Feedback on draft Equality Forum action plan

3.   Update on progress made since last meeting




 Members of the Forum received a re-cap of the themes and ideas from the interactive session that took place at the last Forum meeting. Following the meeting the themes and ideas were developed in to an action plan.


The Equality Forum Action Plan, which was tabled at the meeting, detailed the issues raised, the proposed action and the timescales for those actions to be completed.


Work had already commenced on the Action Plan.  Since the last meeting, discussions were underway in regards to setting up an Interfaith Forum in Chorley.  Reverend Cox advised that he and Councillor Khan would be attending an Interfaith Forum meeting in Blackburn at the end of October 2012 to discuss how they developed their Forum.


Anyone wishing to become a member of Chorley’s Interfaith Forum should contact Councillor Hasina Khan on


Health and Wellbeing - interactive item (Part 1) pdf icon PDF 300 KB

The Chair of the Equality Forum, Councillor Hasina Khan, will introduce this item.


Members of the Forum will be asked to split in to small groups to discuss the importance of leading a healthier lifestyle.


What is the purpose of this item?

1.   To raise general awareness of the importance of health and wellbeing and the different factors affecting the different equality strands.

2.   To consider any barriers Forum members may face in trying to lead a healthier lifestyle

3.   To raise awareness of the different activities and facilities available within Chorley, to encourage healthier lifestyles.


 Lee Boyer, Sport, Play and Physical Activity Manager for Chorley Council gave an overview of the facilities and activities available throughout Chorley.


The Council ran projects suitable for all ages which included:

·        Get up and Go!

·        Us Girls

·        2012 Challenge

·        Play Sessions

·        Active Generation


The Forum were advised that in addition to the Council run activities, the Sports Development and Physical Activity team was able to offer advice, training and support to those community groups who wanted to set up their own activities.


Mike Linfoot, on behalf of Chorley Boxing Club, asked for the Council’s support in holding an event in the Lancastrian Room.  Chris Sinnott advised that the booking of the Lancastrian Room as a venue for an event was not in the remit of the Sports Development and Physical Activity team, and that the request would be considered and a response forwarded in due course.  Lee Boyer confirmed that his team had worked with Chorley Boxing Club in the past and offered future support with attracting funding. 


In response to Francis Maguire enquiry about activities available for carers in their downtime, Lee Boyer agreed to circulate information to the Forum and meet with representatives of Lancashire Carers to discuss the options available. (Since the meeting Lee Boyer had spoken to Francis Maguire.)


Representatives from Clayton Brook Community Centre enquired about the provision available for older people and those residents with long term health problems in the Clayton Brook area.  Lee Boyer agreed to meet with the community group to discuss arranging possible activities.  Yvonne Curwen representing Walking for Health suggested getting in touch with ‘Chorley – Find your Feet’.  All walks were free of charge and were led by Chorley Council Rangers and Find your Feet volunteer walk leaders.


(Since the meeting Lee Boyer had met with representatives of Clayton Brook House and work had commenced in the organization of an activity taster day for older people likely to take place in the new year, the aim of which was to see the response in a view to setting up activities for adults in the future subject to funding.)


If you require more information Lee Boyer can be contacted on 01257 515816 or email


Chris Sinnott introduced the workshop and asked members of the Forum to work in small groups and answer the following questions:

1.   Do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?

2.   Do you feel you face any challenges to living a healthy lifestyle?


The Forum was advised that a short feedback session would take place following the networking break.



Networking break


The Chair introduced a short networking break.


Health and Wellbeing - interactive item (Part 2)


The Forum received a short feedback session from the Health and Wellbeing interactive session.


In response to the two questions asked:

1.   the majority of Forum members walked or did housework to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


2.    the lack of time and money were the main challenges that members of the Forum faced to living a healthy lifestyle.


Update on the taxi driver survey and work with drivers

Alan Harper, Community Safety Officer for Chorley Council


What is the purpose of this item?

To update members on the recent taxi driver survey, which had been raised at previous meetings of the Equality Forums.  It will also feedback to the group on recent work done by  the Council’s Community Safety Team alongside the Police to understand the concerns of taxi drivers, particularly Asian drivers, and put in place solutions to address any issues.


Questions for the Forum?

There are no specific questions for the Forum although any feedback is welcomed and will be considered as part of future work in this area.


Alan Harper can be contacted on 01257 515334 or by email on


Simon Clark, Head of Health Environment and Neighbourhoods updated members of the Forum on the findings of a recently published survey on hackney carriage provision in Chorley.


Every three to four years central government required local councils that limited the number of hackney carriages operating in their boroughs, to conduct a survey to ensure that their existing hackney carriage provision met demand.


In total 36 hackney carriages operated in the Chorley borough at present. The Unmet Demand survey did not identify that there was a greater demand for hackney carriage provision than currently available. 


The results of the Unmet Demand survey was reported back the Licensing and Public Safety Committee on 12 September 2012.  The Committee resolved to retain the number of hackney carriage as at present.


The survey did highlight a shortfall in taxi ranks at Chorley hospital and at Chorley railway station.  As a result, the Council was in consultation with the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Network Rail to deliver the additional taxi rank provision.


Town Centre Consultation pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Victoria Willets will introduce this item.


What is the purpose of this item?

To make Forum members aware of a future consultation on proposed changes to traffic and parking arrangements in the Town Centre as part of a new scheme that aims to increase footfall and improve trade in the Town Centre. Members of the Equality Forum will be invited to give their comments on the proposals. Further details on the consultation process to be provided at the meeting.


The consultation details will be circulated with the minutes from this meeting by Cath Burns, Head of Economic Development for Chorley Council who can be contacted on 01257 515305 or email


Victoria Willett invited members of the Forum to take part in a consultation on plans for the re-opening of Market Street to traffic.


The plans would see traffic being able to travel north to south, 30-minute free parking, new planters to act as traffic calming measures and a series of crossing points. The plans also include a new layout of parking spaces along St George's Street in a herringbone style to create extra spaces.


The consultation would commence on Monday 15 October until Friday 2 November 2012 and plans could be viewed on the ground floor of the Civic Office, Union Street, Chorley or by logging on to the Council’s website 


Comments could be submitted by emailing them to or alternatively download and return the comments form, which can also be found on the website.


Suzie Jones, Chorley and South Ribble Disability Forum asked that Judith Daniels be informed of the proposals.


For more information contact Cath Burns, Head of Economic Development, Chorley Council on 01257 515305 or email


Proposal for future task and finish group pdf icon PDF 92 KB

What it the purpose of this item?

This item is to assess the level of interest in a future domestic violence task and finish group. The issue of domestic violence amongst equality groups has been raised at previous Equality Forum meetings.


Questions for the Forum?

Forum members are asked to consider whether they would be interested in taking part in this group.


Members of the Forum were invited to take part in a new Task and Finish Group which would focus on the topic of domestic violence.


The aim of the Group was:

1.        to consider equality and diversity issues affecting victims of domestic violence

2.        and, identify specific issues that needs to be addressed and map sources of support.


The Group would be led by Councillor Khan, Chair of the Equality Forum and Heather Corson, Community Safety Officer for Chorley and South Ribble Councils.


The results of the Task Group would be reported back to the Forum on 18 April 2013.


If you wish like to take part in the Task and Finish Group please forward your contact details to Councillor Hasina Khan on email or telephone 01257 460515.


Open Forum to discuss any issues for each equality strand



Definition: Where this is referred to, it refers to a person belonging to a particular age (e.g. 32 year olds) or range of ages (e.g. 18 - 30 year olds).



Iain Brooks, Chorley Youth Council informed the Forum that since the last meeting, the Youth Council had been working with the police helping to promote and raise awareness of hate crime.


In response to a question raised relating to hate crime, the Chair advised that hate crimes could be reported anonymously to the Council by completing a form which could be found in Council buildings, community centres and selected shops.


Suzie Jones, Chorley and South Ribble Disability Forum, advised that hate crime could be reported anonymously through the Disability Equality North West.



DEFINITION: A person has a disability if s/he has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on that person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.



Frances Maguire, Lancashire Carers Forum, wanted to thank Chorley Council for the changes to signage.


Suzie Jones, Chorley and South Ribble Disability Forum thanked Chorley Council for the help received making the REACH event on 10 August 2012 successful and thanked the Mayor of Chorley for attending.


Gender Reassignment

Definition: The process of transitioning from one gender to another.



No issues were raised.


Pregnancy and Maternity

Definition: Pregnancy is the condition of being pregnant or expecting a baby. Maternity refers to the period after the birth, and is linked to maternity leave in the employment context. In the non-work context, protection against maternity discrimination is for 26 weeks after giving birth, and this includes treating a woman unfavourably because she is breastfeeding.



No issues were raised.



Definition: Refers to the protected characteristic of Race. It refers to a group of people defined by their race, colour, and nationality (including citizenship) ethnic or national origins.



No issues were raised.


Religion and Belief

Definition: Religion has the meaning usually given to it but belief includes religious and philosophical beliefs including lack of belief (e.g. Atheism). Generally, a belief should affect your life choices or the way you live for it to be included in the definition.



No issues were raised.



Definition: Members of a rural population.



No issues were raised.



Definition: A man or a woman



No issues were raised.


Sexual Orientation

Definition: Whether a person's sexual attraction is towards their own sex, the opposite sex or to both sexes.



No issues were raised.


Notices / Feedback / Publicity pdf icon PDF 531 KB

Runshaw College had sent information on their Skills for Life ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Programme for information.  Please see the attached leaflet.


·        Cathryn Filbin, Democratic and Member Services officer for Chorley Council advised that a new monthly electronic magazine called intheboro was now in circulation.


The purpose of the electronic magazine was to improve communication between Chorley Council and Town/Parish Council, community and other local groups.  As well as receiving information from the Council and partner organisations Town/Parish Councils, community and other groups could submit articles for future editions or publicise events of the Council’s website.


          Anyone wishing to be included on the circulation list for intheboro or to submit an article email



·        Chris Sinnott, Head of Policy and Communication advised that a Town Hall open day had been arranged for Saturday, 20 October 2012 between 1.30pm-4.30pm.


Those attending the Town Hall Open Day would have the opportunity to meet the Mayor, learn what services the Council provided, take part in important consultations on plans for the town centre and future priorities of the authority and much more.


Dates of Future Meetings

Future meetings of the Equality Forum will be held on the following dates:

·        21 January 2013

·        18 April 2013


All meetings will commence at 6.30pm and be held in the Lancastrian Room, Town Hall, Chorley unless otherwise stated on the agenda.


Members of the Forum noted the dates of future meetings:

21 January 2013

18 April 2013


All meetings would commence at 6.30pm and be held in the Lancastrian Room, Town Hall, Chorley unless advised otherwise.