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Venue: Lancastrian, Town Hall, Chorley
Contact: Cathryn Filbin Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions The Chair will welcome everyone to the meeting. Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced those on the top table. |
To confirm the minutes of the Equality Forum which took place on 23 June 2014, and be signed by the Chair (enclosed). Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Equality Forum held on the 23 June 2014 be confirmed as a correct record and approved by the Chair. |
Changes to the Equality Forum - Feedback and discussion Review of the feedback from the last meeting of the Forum, introduced by Sarah James, the Council’s Head of Policy (Public Sector Reform). Minutes: Sarah James, Head of Policy (Public Services Reform) provided feedback on the outcome of the workshop held at the last meeting of the Equality Forum; the purpose of which was to find out from members how they would like the Forum to develop.
All the comments and suggestions were evaluated and a report was prepared for the Chair. It emerged that there were a number of key principles identified as part of the refresh which the Forum must meet; · Be an engagement / consultation body that has regular meetings with a minimum of two per year · That the venue rotates, with at least two meeting per year being located at venues in the community with a ‘special’ agenda item · Each of the protected characteristics being represented · A mechanism for engaging with the equality strands through the community groups that represent them; · A process through which proposed service changes or new policies can be consulted on with these representatives, to consider the impact on the equality strands; · A method of consultation and engagement with residents that other partners can get involved in. · A change to give a voice to different communities and finding common ground between different communities based on shared values and developing community cohesion across the borough.
It has been agreed that a Standing Committee would be formed consisting of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Forum, the Head of Policy and Communications for Chorley Council and the VCFS Coordinator.
The purpose of the Standing Committee was to fill two roles: 1. The ongoing management of the forum a) Coordinate the agenda setting b) Manage the meeting arrangements – venues and times c) Administer the meetings – agendas and minutes etc
2. Review of the Forum arrangements as it moves towards community involvement in the administration of the meeting.
It is intended that the Forum will alternate between hosting meetings at the town hall and venues in the community with the Standing Committee setting the agenda. However, those meetings in the community will be classed as ‘special’ meetings with one agenda items.
The first meeting to be held in the community will be the 15 January 2015. |
Meals on Wheels - Lancashire Fayre Presentation by Dave Laithwaite from Lancashire Fayre, on the subsidised services offered by Lancashire Fayre and Chorley Council. Minutes: Councillor Khan welcomed Dave Laithwaite from Lancashire Fayre, Chorley Council’s contracted provider of hot meal delivery throughout the borough.
Dave, who has over 25 years in the catering business, gave a presentation about his Chorley based company which specialised in delivering hot meals.
At present Lancashire Fayre has over 80 service users, producing 300 meals per week.
Dave explained that for new service users a representative from the company would visit the customer at their home to discuss their dietary requirement/needs and preferences. The customer can dictate what they want, the time they want the meals delivered and the number of meals supplied each week. The meals would be delivered by the same member of staff as much as possible, this helped build confidence and trust between the customer and member of staff.
In addition to other service providers, Lancashire Fayre also provide - · additional support (ie emptying bins or posting letters) and; · a ‘safe and sound’ check, were the member of staff will contact relatives to update them on the welfare of the customer and alert them to any changes in behaviour or notify relevant services if required. As the person delivering the meals will be the same member of staff they will be able to get to know the customer and will be in a better position to notice any change to the customer’s wellbeing.
The additional services give the customer and their relatives’ piece of mind that someone is looking out for them.
Benefits of the services include: · Regular interaction · Early intervention · Minimise emergency response · Regular monitoring · Access to other services · Reassurance
The majority of their customers qualify for three meals and desserts per week at a cost of £3.65 which has been subsidised by Chorley Council. Extra meals can be purchased at £4.25 for a main meal and dessert. |
Networking break Refreshments will be available. Minutes: There was a short networking break. |
Changing Places Toilets Members will received an introduction to the new facility. Minutes: Sarah James, Head of Policy (Public Service Reform) advised members of the Forum that work was nearly complete on the Changing Places toilet situated at the front of the town hall, which was a joint venture between Chorley Council and Lancashire County Council.
Members of the Forum welcomed Rosemary McLean, the Changing Places Preston and District (lead) to the meeting.
Rosemary introduced a short, moving piece of film which highlighted the need for more public Changing Places toilets nationwide. Members of the Forum listened to a touching speech in which Rosemary gave a personal account of why she wanted to raise awareness of the lack of facilities available at the moment, and the difference a Changing Places toilet can make to the user and their carer.
As well as the Changing Places toilet due to open in the reception of the town hall, other locally situated toilets include: · Chorley and South Ribble District Hospital, Chorley · Roccoco Lounge and Bakery, Leyland · Rock and River Activity Centre, Mawdesley
In response to concerns raised about the lack of continuity of security arrangements for the Changing Places toilets, Rosemary advised that each venue controlled their own security arrangements which would depend on the location of each toilet. The toilets required a radar key to gain entry. In some cases the door was double locked, with a second key being required for access. The second key would usually be situated at a venue close by, the location for which would be displayed on the toilet cubicle.
Sarah James confirmed that the town hall toilet would only require a radar key for entry.
For more information, or to find a Changing Places toilet, click on the following link:
The film mentioned as part of this minute can be viewed by clicking on the following link: |
Multi-cultural Event The Chair, Councillor Hasina Khan will inform members of the Forum of a multi-cultural event. Minutes: Councillor Hasina Khan introduced a workshop about a proposed multi-cultural event.
In small groups, members of the Forum were asked to consider the following questions: · What could this event include? · What could you / your group contribute?
After ten minutes of private discussion the Chair called the meeting to order and asked each group to feedback some of their suggestions which included:
What could this event include? · Examples of food from different nationalities; · Traditional dress, music and dance from different nationality; · Henna and temporary tattoo stalls; · Stalls offering advice and support; · Promoting how policing has changed to reflect today’s culturally diverse society; · Guest speakers (popular local celebrities) · Interpreters · Heritage tables · Workshops on disabilities · JIGSAW disability drama group · Health walks · Sports, tackling health, lifestyle
What could you / your group contribute? · Asian Women’s Forum offered help towards funding · Chorley CVS Network offered to co-ordinate the food element for the day
Cllr Khan thanked everyone for their contribution. All the suggestions would be collated and considered in the development of the event. |
Date of next meeting The next meeting of the Equality Forum will be held on 15 January 2015 time and venue to be confirmed. Minutes: Reverend Cox reminded members of the Forum that the next meeting scheduled for the 15 January 2015 would be held in the community.
It was agreed that the next meeting would commence at 6pm following a networking session and refreshments at 5.30pm.
The venue would be confirmed near the time, with members of the Forum being asked to consider and suggest appropriate venues. |