Agenda and minutes

Central Lancashire Strategic Planning Joint Advisory Committee - Monday, 25th July 2022 4.00 pm app available
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Venue: Preston

Contact: Matthew Pawlyszyn  Email:

No. Item


Appointment of Chair for the Meeting


Resolved – That Councillor David Borrow be appointed as Chair for the meeting.


Welcome by Chair and Introductions

·         Fire Procedures / Mobile Phones / Rest Rooms

·         “Members of the public, committee members and officers are reminded that under The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, the press and public may film, audio record, photograph and use social media whilst the meeting is in progress, for Part A items only, and as long as no disruption is caused to the meeting. Anyone filming is asked to focus their attention on elected members rather than other visitors”. (To be read out if visitors present).


The Chair, Councillor David Borrow, welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Harry Landless (Preston City Council), Councillor Caleb Tomlinson (South Ribble Borough Council) and Councillor Martin Boardman (Chorley Council).


Notification of Substitute Members (if any)


There were none.


Declarations of Interests

To receive any declarations of interest from members.


There were none.


Minutes of last meeting pdf icon PDF 235 KB


Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 5 July 2022 be confirmed as a correct record.


Statement of Common Ground on the Central Lancashire Local Plan Housing Requirement & Distribution pdf icon PDF 221 KB

Report to follow.

Additional documents:


Jonathan Noad, Director of Planning and Development (Chorley and South Ribble Borough Council) submitted a report on the Local Housing Requirement and Distribution.


Committee were informed that consultants DLP had presented a number of options. The preferred option was intended to be the Employment led projection (1:1 commuting for new jobs) this option was broadly based on the employment growth forecast for each authority. Table one showed the housing requirement and distribution for the three authorities and was stepped to reflect current delivery of the Adopted Local Plan sites and when sites were anticipated to come forward over the plan period. Table two showed different forecasting scenarios for the housing requirement including LHN Baseline (standard method) and POPGROUP 5-Year. The total number of dwellings per annum for the preferred option would be 1,334 which would be split 490 (Preston) 428 (Chorley) and 416 (South Ribble). This scenario is higher than the local housing need calculated using standard method, which is currently 963 per annum.


Resolved – that       (i) the report be noted

(ii) the three Executive members responsible for the portfolios for plan-making signed the document thereby demonstrating a commitment to the reports contained.


Preliminary Details for a Proposed Central Lancashire Housing Developer Forum

A verbal update will be given at the meeting.


Carolyn Williams, Central Lancashire Local Plan Co-Ordinator provided Members with an update on the Housing Developer Forum.


Committee were informed that a developer forum was being arranged for September 2022, available dates are currently being looked into for the venue want to use. The forum will be a Housing focused session with Consultants DLP and Hive attending on the work they have done on the Local Plan. Invites will go out to the developer forum members shortly.


Councillor Flannery (South Ribble) requested that Members be invited as well as he felt it was relevant for them to also attend.


Resolved – that the update be noted.


Dates and venue of next meeting

The date of the next Central Lancs Strategic Planning Joint Advisory Committee meeting is to be discussed.


The next meeting of the Central Lancashire Strategic Joint Advisory Committee will be on Monday, 12 September 4.30pm start (Preston City Council, Room A).