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Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Market Street, Chorley, PR7 1DP
Contact: Charlotte Lynch Email:
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair Minutes: Resolved: (Unanimously)
1. Councillor Alistair Bradley be appointed as Chair of the Shared Services Joint Committee for the 2022/23 municipal year; and
2. Councillor Paul Foster be appointed as Vice Chair of the Shared Services Joint Committee for the 2022/23 municipal year |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Aniela Bylinski Gelder, Paul Foster and Margaret France.
Councillors Matthew Tomlinson, Mick Titherington and Terry Howarth attended as substitutes. |
Declarations of Any Interests Minutes: None. |
Minutes of meeting Thursday, 3 February 2022 of Shared Services Joint Committee PDF 211 KB Minutes: Resolved: (For: 6 Abstain: 4)
For: Councillors Bradley, Cullens, Shaw, Smith, Tomlinson and Walton
Abstain: Councillors Howarth, Snape, Titherington and Wilson
That the minutes of the meeting of the Shared Services Joint Committee held on Thursday, 3 February 2022 be approved as a correct record. |
Minutes of meeting Thursday, 10 February 2022 of Shared Services Joint Committee PDF 141 KB Minutes: A query was raised as to why only one of four members who attended the meeting virtually and in a non-voting capacity was recorded as having abstained on the vote.
It was agreed that the minutes be amended to reiterate that the meeting was held informally to further discuss proposals brought forward at the meeting prior and that the regulations around voting and virtual attendance did not apply.
Resolved: (For: 6 Abstain: 4)
For: Councillors Bradley, Cullens, Shaw, Smith, Tomlinson and Walton
Abstain: Councillors Howarth, Snape, Titherington and Wilson
That the minutes of the meeting of the Shared Services Joint Committee held on Thursday, 10 February 2022 be approved as a correct record subject to the amendment detailed above. |
Shared Services Monitoring Report PDF 656 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The committee received a report of the Deputy Chief Executive which provided an update on phases 1 and 2 of shared services between Chorley and South Ribble Borough Councils.
The report highlighted staff satisfaction, savings and benefits and progression against service development objectives.
Much of the discussion focused on staff satisfaction and a recent pulse survey which found that over 75% of staff within phase one of shared services and ICT were happy overall in their job.
Concern was expressed, however, that only 24% of those within customer services and revenues of benefits agreed with the statement.
In response to member queries, assurances were provided that proactive measures were in place to enable staff engagement until the next pulse survey in September.
Mitigation measures such as temporary contracts were also in place to alleviate capacity issues as a result of annual leave and vacancies.
Members expressed concerns regarding the impact on service for residents and suggested that the risk register be amended to a red matrix score. Officers were happy to revise this but it was agreed to assess this again at the next meeting to allow for new mitigation measures to impact service delivery.
Although members were concerned about current service delivery within customer services and revenues and benefits, contextual factors outside of the Councils’ controls, such as the £150 tax rebate and universal recruitment issues, were also highlighted.
The committee also suggested that staff should have sight of the service plan relevant to them to keep them informed and engaged with any changes. Officers undertook to facilitate this and would share the plans with the committee.
The report was noted. |
Shared Services Future Development PDF 259 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The committee received a report of the Director of Change and Delivery which outlined the proposed approach for the delivery and implementation of phase 3 of shared services.
It was proposed that the Councils’ Property and Assets functions form the next phase of shared services and members were advised of the evaluation process and criteria undertaken to identify the proposal.
Other opportunities for sharing were detailed within the report and it was confirmed that, although these were not being proposed on this occasion, they would be reviewed again in the next 12 months.
As Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Assets at South Ribble Borough Council, Councillor Matthew Tomlinson particularly welcomed the increased resilience that a shared Property and Assets service would provide.
A query was raised as to whether any staff within the current services would be eligible for early retirement voluntary severance (ERVS) and officers would confirm this to members outside of the meeting.
Confirmation was also provided that proposals for future phases of shared services would only be presented to the committee once phase 3 had been undertaken and key projects such as the Local Plan and Economic Strategy had been completed.
Resolved: (Unanimously)
That the proposed approach for phase 3 of shared services be recommended for discussion at Councils. |