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Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, and YouTube
Contact: Matthew Pawlyszyn Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of meeting Thursday, 10 March 2022 of Overview and Scrutiny Performance Panel Minutes: Decision: The minutes were approved as a correct record. |
Declarations of Any Interests Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any pecuniary interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda.
If you have a pecuniary interest you must withdraw from the meeting. Normally you should leave the room before the business starts to be discussed. You do, however, have the same right to speak as a member of the public and may remain in the room to enable you to exercise that right and then leave immediately. In either case you must not seek to improperly influence a decision on the matter. Minutes: No interests were declared. |
Performance Focus: Customer and Digital To receive and consider the report of the Director of Change and Delivery Minutes: Executive Member for Customer, Streetscene and Environment Councillor Adrian Lowe presented the Performance Focus: Customer and Digital Report that provided an overall summary, budget position, key performance measures and an update on the corporate strategies relevant to the directorate.
The Customer and Digital directorate covered the shared services of customer service and ICT, in addition to Neighborhoods, Streetscene and Waste Services.
Three quarters of the corporate service level performance measures were performing at or above target at the end of quarter four.
Of 8 business plan projects, five have been completed, and three are amber, the predominant reason was a result of the challenges faced by ICT and customer services and the restructure.
ICT and Customer Services were a part of the second phase of Shared Services, and the number of vacancies from the restructure impacted the performance figures.
Exploring the financial position, there was a 1.6% variance in the budget, and the directorate was the largest element of Council funding and finance.
Street cleaning and ground maintenance targets were increased from the previous year due to the performance of the team,
Work was identified and completed towards two corporate strategy objectives of extending improvement to street services and improvements to deliver a better customer service and to provide greener and cleaner streets and neighborhoods.
Issues were acknowledged with customer services and the contact centre, but efforts were underway to correct and improve the service provided.
The new Members of the Council on the Committee praised the support provided by ICT during and since their new member induction
It was explained that the wait times and abandonment rates for users calling 515151 was due to the impact of the restructure and the vacant posts
Covid did not cause a decrease in staff, however the there was a nationwide difficulty in recruiting staff. In addition to teething issues, Customer Services were impacted to other influences such as additional delegated responsibilities from central government, an example was the £150 Council Tax rebate. Residents were encouraged to complete the application online, but many would chase up their applications over the phone.
On the topic of the council tax rebate, 90% of eligible residents have received their rebate.
Within the directorate, 12 apprenticeships were created, and recruitment was ongoing.
As part of the Shared Services, customer services operations across both Chorley and South Ribble, allowing for greater flexibility and resources to allow both organisations to meet and achieve their targets.
The grey bin subscription service increased in cost from £30 a year to £32.50, with an earnings prediction of £815,000 for the year. The latest figures suggested that the subscription generated £812,000 and was on track to meet the predicted figure. This subscription was budgeted for and was required to make up the one-million-pound shortfall from the County Council. Without the subscription service, significant cuts to the service and would have been required.
Union Street remained open and was briefly closed during the pandemic upon government advice, and operated on both a pop in ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Quarter Four Performance Monitoring Report 2021/22 To receive and consider the report of the Director of Change and Delivery Minutes: Howard Anthony, Interim Service Lead Performance and Partnerships presented the Quarter Four Performance Monitoring Report 2021/22.
Performance was broadly considered to be good, with 71% of corporate strategy projects were green. 71% of the corporate strategy measures were reported as on target or within. 67% of key service delivery, deemed to be projects outside of the corporate strategy were green.
A number of performance indicators were off target that would be addressed in the Quarter 1 report to Cabinet in September, and detail where the targets were set, and the progress made.
The Tatton Project classed as amber and would receive a further update with the Quarter 1 report. Exception report from the project due confirming timescales to return the project on track.
It was confirmed that the Tatton project would factor into the targeted 100 affordable homes figure, which was currently below target. An update to be forthcoming related to affordable housing at a later date.
The employment figure was down. The Covid pandemic changed the circumstances of many, leading to an increase in those that withdrew from the employment market. The Council had access to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund from central government, to address business support, skills, and employment. The unemployment figures were due to be released in August 2022, and would feature in the Quarter 1 report.
There was a growth with the annual business rates received, which came from the production or construction of business premises and construction sites. The action plan in place explored what was forthcoming in construction and commercial business floor space.
Strawberry Fields observed an improved performance from the previous year. Members expressed concern with the levels of vacant shops in the town centre. It was added that work was completed refurbishing the market cabins, and formal offers had already been made. There was also interest in the return of pop up units to utilise the empty space.
It was clarified and explained that Lancashire Adult Learning and Moving Forward were two of the local partners that would provide digital skills training.
Decision: The report was noted.