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Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Chorley and YouTube
Contact: Coral Astbury, Democratic and Member Services Officer Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome by the Chair Minutes: The Chair, Councillor Gordon France welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 17 February 2021 of Chorley Liaison Minutes: Decision: The minutes were approved as a correct record. |
Neighbourhood Planning Presentation Philippa Lane, Planning Policy and Housing Officer, will deliver a short presentation and take questions. Minutes: Philippa Lane (Planning Policy and Housing Officer) delivered a presentation which sought to brief members on the background of the neighbourhood plan’s, how they are created and the limitations of the plan.
In response to a member enquiry, it was agreed that the presentation would be circulated outside of the meeting alongside some examples of recently completed neighbourhood plans.
The Chair thanked Philippa for her attendance and presentation.
Item requested by the Vice-Chair, Councillor Kim Snape Discussion item holding meetings in person / hybrid. Minutes: Councillor Kim Snape explained that she had spoken to a couple of Parish Council’s over the previous months and was wondering how Parishes had found moving back to face to face meetings.
Item requested by Wheelton Parish Council 1. Why is it when refuse contracts are awarded that a contractor can refuse to empty CBC bins on the playground in Meadow Street, Wheelton?
When the playground was refurbished we asked that our bin be left-the bin was taken away and a Chorley bin put in its place. Up to change of contract this bin was emptied. Our clerk queried this and has been told that the refuse wagon was to big to go up Meadow Street, the previous emptying of the bin was an act of kindness by the previous contractor plus other excuses - she was also advised she could empty the bin a) she is not a lengthsman and b) is not qualified on H&S grounds to do so.
Response The entire play area is owned and managed by the Parish council according to our system. The Council did used to empty as a token effort when passing by to do the one outside the village hall. No contractors have ever taken part in emptying of these bins. Now have moved to a large 18ton HGV vehicle and relocated the litterbin that was outside the village hall to the bottom of the steps there is no need to access Meadow street in the HGV due to access issues.
This has recently been brought up for a discussion within the Wheelton Parish council with how they want to proceed. Officers suggested if they had a lengthsman then this could be done by them. The parish clerk offered to maintain the area if equipment was delivered and so this was delivered directly.
2. Has LCC decided that there will be no more 20mph areas in Chorley?
Response Lancashire County Council have been approached for a response. Minutes: A question was submitted in relation to refuse contracts and 20 mph zones in Chorley.
The answer was provided in advance of the meeting and acknowledged. |
Item requested by Croston Parish Council Would it be possible to have an update on the Knotweed issue?
External funding has been secured to pay for 18months of an officer from Lancashire Wildlife Trust to lead on INNS. This will be starting in August/Sept.
INNS Mapping and Trothing
Project – Lancashire Wildlife
Trust little impact on the INNS
problem. Working with the Community to
Build a Robust Evidence Base – Groundwork CLM riparian environment for the future.
To complement this funding, funding has also be awarded to Chorley Council to employ a ranger for 18mths mainly to lead on the tree planting agenda but also to look after our rivers and combat our invasive non-native species.
Chorley Council Ranger team have been spraying the hogweed and knotweed on Council owned land throughout May – June and will continue to treat this, as necessary.
Minutes: A report and question were submitted in relation to Knotweed.
The answer was provided in advance of the meeting and acknowledged. |
Questions from Members of the Liaison and the public In order to allow members of the Liaison and members of the public to raise issues of local concern, a period of 20 minutes has been set aside.
A member of the public may speak for no more than 3 minutes. Members of the public are not required to give notice of the issue they intend to raise, although it is expected in the case of service issues that the appropriate mechanisms for resolving the issue have been explored.
Where a question is raised which cannot be answered at the meeting, a record will be kept by officers supporting the meeting and it will be responded to via the appropriate mechanism. Minutes: Graham Ashworth (Heath Charnock) asked if it was possible to separate Heath Charnock from Chorley South East when sending out the weekly planning list. Officers agreed to investigate this further and provide an update outside of the meeting.
Councillor June Molyneaux advised that an item had been discussed at Adlington Parish Council regarding electric vehicle charging points and asked if the Climate Change Working Group could look at this further. In response, Councillor Clifford agreed to mention the topic at the next meeting of the working group.
Items for Future Meetings A schedule setting out deadlines for items to be requested on the agenda for the Chorley Liaison and dates for future meetings is enclosed. Minutes: The Chair confirmed the items for future meetings and asked for recommendations for future agenda items.
It was agreed that electric charging points, information on charging infrastructure for those in terraced houses and a general discussion on the special expenses charge on council tax being tied to council tax precepts would be included as a future agenda item. |
Any urgent business previously agreed with the Chair Minutes: Karen Wait (Bretherton Parish Council) asked for guidance on how to proceed with obtaining signage for the village warning drivers about potential horse riders on the road. In response County Councillor’s Snape and Riggott advised that the Parish Council speak to their Local County Councillor to see what could be done, alternatively they could go directly to the highways department and ask them to investigate further or to provide more information on what was required to obtain the signage.