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Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Chorley and Youtube
Contact: Coral Astbury, Democratic and Member Services Officer Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome by the Chair Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 20 July 2022 of Chorley Liaison PDF 218 KB Minutes: The minutes were agreed as a correct record. |
Introduction and Update from Lancashire Constabulary Inspector Mike Moyes from Lancashire Constabulary will be in attendance for this item. Minutes: Inspector Mike Moyes from Lancashire Constabulary attended the meeting and gave a short introduction on his work as Geographical Inspector for Chorley and South Ribble. Also in attendance were XX
Inspector Moyes explained that anti-social behaviour was the top priority for the neighbourhood policing teams over the next few weeks and there would be an enhance police operation over mischief night and bonfire nights.
The following points were raised by members:
Neighbourhood teams
work from 8AM-10PM during the week, with teams working until 2AM on
weekends. Response teams worked 24/7 and Leyland Police Station had
now been re-opened as an operating base.
Inspector Moyes
advised that if something were occurring which was immediate risk
to life and limb parishes would need to ring 999. If they had an
issue where they needed to get through to the control room, but it
was not an emergency they could dial 101. However, if there was
concern within the community that had been raised and Parishes
wanted advice, they could contact their local PCSO and Community
Beat Managers. Inspector Moyes advised he would link Parishes with
the correct officers for their area.
The best way for
members to report things anonymously is to use Crime Stoppers. If
you access this service via email or telephone you can report
anonymously, and the Police will act on information
Members commented that
it would be good to have posters for noticeboards with their local
officers details on. Inspector Moyes
agreed to look into this.
Inspector Moyes
advised members they could go out with local PCSO’s to sign
people up to In The Know and asked
members to get in contact if they wanted to do this.
Officers were unable
to commit to monthly PACT meetings due to resources, however should there be an ad hoc issue officers may
be able to attend a meeting with residents. · The Police take road safety seriously and do rely on community roadblocks and tac ops. More information on SPIDS and 20mph speed limits would be provided to members.
The contact details
for Inspector Moyes would be circulated to Parish Clerks by the
Democratic and Member Services Officer. 3.
More information on
SPIDS, 20mph speed limits and general road safety from Lancashire
Constabulary would be circulated to Parish Clerks by the Democratic
and Member Services Officer.
Active Travel Consultation This item is for information only.
The consultation is open until the 20th of November and it would be useful for the parish councils to be made aware of this and submit their thoughts on active travel and cycling across the Borough.
Link: Active Travel Consultation - Your Say - Citizen Space Site - Citizen Space
Minutes: The Director of Communities introduced this item and explained the consultation sought to gain information on how people get to work and to identify any issues which may be preventing them from cycling or walking.
Members commented it was the first time they had seen the consultation and it may have been helpful for the Council to email the consultation to Parish Clerks in advance. |
Item requested by Adlington Town Council Background
On behalf of Adlington Town Council, the Town Mayor Cllr Bev Speers proposes that SPIDS be put forward as a topic for the agenda of the next Chorley Liaison meeting. The Town Council is not sure if it is a borough-wide opportunity for all local councils to consider? If set in a wider context, a discussion of SPIDS and other potential speed reduction measures could be included, eg the 20's plenty campaign, also to ask for examples to be shared of what other local councils have done/are doing to tackle specific speed reduction concerns in their area and how successful these have been and at what cost. This would make it more of a borough-wide topic and might offer some useful insights.
Minutes: This item was introduced by Bev Speers (Adlington PC) who explained Adlington had met with Heath Charnock Parish Council to look at a joint approach. Adlington Parish Council had two areas where they would like to place SPIDS and asked if any other Parishes had any successful initiatives they could share.
The Director of Communities explained the lead officer within the authority was the Neighbourhood Priorities Officer who was currently looking at projects. Officers would work with the public protection team and look to share ideas on the use around the district.
Barbara Farbon (Bretherton PC) explained they had a SPID for a long time, and it was moved around the village. The SPID had obtained good data, for example vehicles on North Road doing 100mph at 3:30pm. Barbara offered to put Adlington in touch with the individual who manages their SPID.
Councillor Bradley explained that the Police were struggling to enforce speeding due to resource cuts and it was difficult to get officers into Chorley. The Council would be keen to support Parishes through work they are doing and can look to support communities doing things themselves.
Councillor Bradley advised that officers would collate the information from LCC and would put an article in the next In The Boro. Councillor Debra Platt agreed to circulate the information which had been provided to Parish Councils to the Democratic and Member Services Officer. Officers would also look towards creating a best practice guide on SPID devices and rule changes to be provided to Parishes.
Councillor Debra Platt advised that Lancashire County Council (LCC) were revisiting their policy on SPID’s claiming that after six months the device would need to be moved. This would ensure that permanent SPID fixtures would be able to remain in place.
Councillor Bradley referred to Inspector Moyes and explained the Police had offered to speak to their Traffic Officer in Preston. Councillor Bradley would request the traffic officer to attend a future meeting of Chorley Liaison.
Item requested by Euxton Parish Council Background
Information in relation to Chorley Town Plan. Could we have some information as to when the plan may be finalized and put out for consultation with residents. Minutes: Councillor Bradley responded to the question and explained the process was nearly finished. It is proposed the preferred options would go to each of the three Council’s in the first two weeks of December.
The Director of Communities advised that Officers had offered to come to he next Chorley Liaison meeting in January to go through the plans and consultation. |
Questions from Members of the Liaison and the public In order to allow members of the Liaison and members of the public to raise issues of local concern, a period of 20 minutes has been set aside.
A member of the public may speak for no more than 3 minutes. Members of the public are not required to give notice of the issue they intend to raise, although it is expected in the case of service issues that the appropriate mechanisms for resolving the issue have been explored.
Where a question is raised which cannot be answered at the meeting, a record will be kept by officers supporting the meeting and it will be responded to via the appropriate mechanism. Minutes: The following questions were raised:
High School Places on
the future agenda – it was agreed this item would go on the
March agenda. Information provided to Councillors regarding
School Places would be disseminated to Parish
Attendance of County
Councillors at Parish Council meetings. · Update on the boundary review. |
Items for Future Meetings PDF 95 KB A schedule setting out deadlines for items to be requested on the agenda for the Chorley Liaison and dates for future meetings is enclosed. Minutes: The Chair advised the agenda for January was already substantial and any additional items would be considered for a future meeting. |
Any urgent business previously agreed with the Chair Minutes: The Chair advised he had received an item under A.O.B and explained to members that there had been supply issues with the Royal British Legion (RBL) providing poppies for lampposts.
The Council had found an alternative supplier and were happy to share their details, Parishes would be expected to make an additional contribution to RBL. |