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Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Chorley and Youtube
Contact: Coral Astbury, Democratic and Member Services Officer Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome by the Chair Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 19 October 2022 of Chorley Liaison PDF 228 KB Minutes: The Chair advised the minutes of the last meeting has been amended to reflect the attendance of Parish Councillor Cornwell.
The minutes were agreed as a correct record. |
Update from Lancashire Constabulary Minutes: Sergeant Neil McLoughlin from Lancashire Constabulary attended the meeting and although not a formal item on the agenda, the Chair agreed that an update be provided.
Sergeant McLoughlin provided an update highlighting some of the incidents recently dealt with in all the neighbourhood areas of the borough. He explained that there was a lot going on currently with regards to neighbourhood policing and requested that those present encourage residents to report any incidents to the police via the various methods available to ensure that resources could be prioritised to the right areas.
The police were proactively going out and doing InTheKnow sign up sessions and Sergeant McLoughlin requested any other potential locations for the police to hold sessions and target sign up. This also provides another vehicle for people to report issues to the police and for the police to get information from residents, in regards to crime prevention.
Further updates/discussion included;
· An additional PCSO in the town centre and a new traffic management officer who could be contacted directly.
· County Councillor Hasina Khan thanked the police for their work regarding several town centre incidents which resulted in taxi drivers being abused and damage being caused. It was reported that issues had subsequently reduced and advised that a meeting had been set up with the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Taxi Trade to discuss funding available for dashcams to help further.
· Councillor Michelle Le Marinel thanked Sergeant McLoughlin and his team for their work in dealing with the criminal damages to vehicles in the Clayton Brook area prior to Christmas.
· Following a query regarding parent involvement when addressing youth crime, Sergeant McLoughlin advised that parents were involved, and the police would be utilising PSPO’s. The police would also be making other relevant agencies, such as housing associations aware, where necessary.
· Sergeant McLoughlin advised Members that it would likely be at least 12 months before the new Police Station would open. Reassurances were given that there would still be a police presence in the town centre.
The Contact details for the new traffic management officer, would be circulated to Parish Clerks by Sergeant McLoughlin. |
Central Lancashire Local Plan - Presentation Planning Officers will be in attendance to deliver a short presentation and answer questions on the Central Lancashire Local Plan. Minutes: Zoe Whiteside, Head of Spatial Planning provided Members with an update on the Central Lancashire Local Plan to ensure that those present were aware of the Preferred Options consultation.
Chorley, South Ribble and Preston Councils were currently undertaking a ten-week online consultation as part of the preferred options stage of the Local Plan process. Members were advised that this was the first part of a two-part consultation and it was hoped that the new Local Plan would be adopted by late 2024 – early 2025.
The first stage of the consultation, which would remain open until Friday, 24 February had received around 50 responses to date. There were publicity drop in events taking place across the borough alongside the consultation to encourage further participation.
It was noted that there was a lot of high-level policy included in the consultation which could be difficult to understand. It was anticipated that more detailed policies would be included in the subsequent consultation.
Members recognised the importance of getting views from residents and discussed the issues regarding lack of engagement and how this could be addressed. It was recognised that there was a joint responsibility of officers, Borough Councillors and Parish Councillors to proactively educate and promote the consultation in local communities as community leaders. |
Item requested by Croston Parish Council Background
· The provision of trained knotweed operators and equipment to spray/inject herbicide for an ongoing programme to remove this noxious weed before it causes expensive damage to the local infrastructure and leads to more homes becoming unmortgage able.
· Measures to ensure that the council operators/contractors are adequately trained to ensure that they are not propagating knotweed by strimming and flail mowing hedges and verges.
· Initial partial provision might be the provision of trained operators to supervise local volunteers.
Minutes: Alan Platt (Clerk of Croston PC) introduced this item which had previously been submitted in relation tackling knotweed and thanked officers for their response. He proposed to take the response back to the Parish Councillor who raised the question and would put him in touch with the Streetscene Services Manger to help identify the specific problem areas. |
Questions from Members of the Liaison and the public In order to allow members of the Liaison and members of the public to raise issues of local concern, a period of 20 minutes has been set aside.
A member of the public may speak for no more than 3 minutes. Members of the public are not required to give notice of the issue they intend to raise, although it is expected in the case of service issues that the appropriate mechanisms for resolving the issue have been explored.
Where a question is raised which cannot be answered at the meeting, a record will be kept by officers supporting the meeting and it will be responded to via the appropriate mechanism. Minutes: The following question was raised:
· Requirements for equality of access on planning applications
Adlington Town Council also advised that the details from the 2021 census were available and gave a good insight to the make-up of parishes. The additional information coming out imminently would highlight how parish areas have changed over the last ten years. It was agreed that the link could be sent out. |
Items for Future Meetings PDF 95 KB A schedule setting out deadlines for items to be requested on the agenda for the Chorley Liaison and dates for future meetings is enclosed. Minutes: The Chair advised that officers were still trying to get the LLC Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport to attend a future meeting. There had been a change in the portfolio holder, but officers were hopeful once settled into the new role the Cabinet Member would attend a meeting.
County Councillor Berry advised that the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner with responsibility for road safety and the new Cabinet Member were keen to get out to the districts and liaise with Parish Councils. It was suggested that the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner also be invited to a future meeting.
Members noted that the deadline for adding any agenda items for the next meeting was Friday, 10 March. |
Any urgent business previously agreed with the Chair Minutes: None. |