Agenda and draft minutes

Chorley Public Services Reform Executive - Tuesday, 27th September 2016 4.00 pm app available
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Venue: Committee Room 1, Town Hall

Contact: Hayley Hughes  01257 515035

No. Item


Welcome and apologies for absence



Members were welcomed to the meeting, introductions made and apologies noted.



Minutes and Matters arising from Executive Meeting held on 19th July 2016 pdf icon PDF 301 KB


Minutes agreed as correct record, noting attendance from Karen Sharrocks and Iain Pearson, who were missed from list of attendees. Actions updated as follows:


Action – Cllr Bradley to send a collective response to LCC on behalf of the Chorley Public Service Reform Partnership on the Property Strategy Consultation

Update – cleared as response provided for both the Council and the Chorley Public Service Reform Partnership.

Action – Executive to consider the outcomes of the work so far, and consider how this needs to moved forward, and what needs to be shown in each organisation.

Action – PMO to arrange discussions across each organisation ahead of evaluation in September, to understand needs and roles in the work going forward, and ensure that all partners support the work being proposed.

Update - both above linked as one action which has been cleared as discussions have taken place as part of the evaluation activity.

Action - Dr Khandavalli to bring the proposal back to the Executive in September to cover the issues raised, and for the brief to be issued ahead of the meeting for consideration by the Executive.

Update – cleared as part of the activity in year two of the work programme.



Overview Evaluation (Year One)


Vicky Willett advised that the full evaluation report had been issued with the agenda, following agreement of the broad themes discussed at the previous meeting, covering year one of the Chorley Public Service Reform Strategy. 


To illustrate the key points from the evaluation, three cases were discussed pulling together information from the three key workstreams:

·         Placed based service integration;

·         Effective MDT working; and

·         Resilient Communities

It was acknowledged that the partnership had achieved real outcomes for residents and significant progress for partnership delivery, and that we have been able to understand what works and what we could do differently, looking to target strengths to where they can have the most impact by formalising ways of working.


The Executive were asked to consider the benefits of working differently, for organisations, individuals and communities, and what stops us operating like this every day, at a local and system level.


Key learning from year one has been that:

·         Multi-disciplinary teams can enhance and accelerate joint working, shared intelligence and system learning;

·         Physically bringing people together is the only way to overcome entrenched cultural differences, trust and data sharing challenges quickly;

·         Digital enhancement is essential; and

·         Coordination and shared intelligence function needed to build system view.


Strengths from the work have been that we have a track record of moving from strategy, to agreement and implementation; focussed programme and scale to allow pace and agility; and have shown real benefits for local residents, by being able to access better, more joined-up services.


Limitations were noted as needing to have better engagement with the public and accountability, having ability to measure impact of activity, and be in a good position to increase scale and influence


Looking forward to the next year of the programme, the findings of the evaluation propose that activity to be centred on:

      A true test of colocation

      Development of work with primary care at scale

      Community resilience

      Supporting system transformation, including Integrated Community Wellbeing Service, and Our Health, Our Care Programme


Also including enabling activity, such as workforce development, digital opportunities and building on connectivity established in year one.


Comments from the Executive on the findings and proposals included:

·         Year one has tested principles of public service reform, which now need to develop to support real system change, complimenting larger spatial areas;

·         Collocation focus to consider increasing support across a wider area and build on year one;

·         A place based structure is welcome and fits with a number of organisational strategies;

·         Resources needed to build at scale need to be sustainable;

·         Evidence found in year one is useful to support wider programme transformation;

·         Consideration of hospital services in communities and how this can be built into case management e.g. mental health

·         How we increase case finding to support at earlier points needs to be flexible, and have the ability to scale up;

·         Opportunity to testbed some activity for wider programmes in the Chorley partnership;

·         Opportunity to link with other local testbeds e.g. South Ribble Pilot/Preston  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43b


Partnership Updates

Update on Our Health, Our Care Programme

Update on LCC Programmes, including:

·         Lancashire Combined Authority

·         Asset Review

·         Wellbeing, Prevention and Early Help Consultation



Our Health, Our Care

Sarah James provided the Executive with an overview of the Our Health, Our Care programme, and advised that the current activity is focused on solution design. Following this a business case will be developed to make the case for change, and this will look to have public engagement as a key part of the work at relevant stages.


Although the timeline is up to 2020 for full implementation, any short term solutions identified will be implemented. Organisations from the Public Service Reform partnership are fully engaged with the programme, including the solution design events continuing in September/October.


A benefits framework has also been developed which will involve potential community support in localities, building on prevention and early intervention. Quality standards are also being considered, including prevention standards.


Partners are encouraged to continue to be involved with events, and the activity discussed moving into year two for public service reform for Chorley, will link in well to testbed opportunities the Our Health, Our Care programme will provide.


Updates on Lancashire County Council developments

Executive were provided with the latest position on the following activity:


LCC Asset Review

Mel Ormesher advised that the consultation period closed on 14th August, with 8000 responses. Recommendations have now been made to Cabinet, which included twenty-two buildings in scope for Chorley, which include commissioned services in Children’s Centres, daytime respite services and youth offending. Community asset transfers are being offered up on relevant buildings, and further considerations will be made to Cabinet in October. Some buildings remaining will need adaptations to support services moving to these, and there are opportunities to link in with other partners and programmes to utilise the assets remaining.


LCC Wellbeing, Prevention and Early Help

Mel Ormesher advised that this is part of the asset consultation and impacts on chidlren’s centres and community services. Implementation of staffing structure should be completed as a new modle by end of March 2017.


Lancashire Combined Authority

Chris Sinnott advised that the combined authority has moved to operating in it’s shadow form, using the agreed constitution which will test how the members work together to the new rules over the next few months, moving to full status in Spring 2017. Workstreams include Sustainable and Transformation plans and estate work intervention and the Executive will continue to be updated on progress.



Any other business


None raised



Date of next meeting

Next meeting planned for 22nd November 2016, 16.00pm at Chorley Town Hall.


To be held on 22nd November 2016 at 16.00, Chorley Town Hall