Agenda and minutes

Chorley Public Services Reform Executive - Tuesday, 26th February 2019 4.00 pm app available
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Venue: Committee Room 1, Town Hall

Contact: Thembela Duri  01257 515248

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies for Absence

  1. North west Employers – learning from LeadingGM and wider reform programmes

b.    Proposal and next steps


Councilor Alistair Bradley welcomed everyone to the Chorley Public Service Reform Executive, and the following apologies were noted:


Councilor Alan Cullens (Chorley Council), Iain Pearson (Lancashire Wellbeing Service) and Sarah James (Our Health, Our Care Programme)


Minutes, Matters arising and Actions from Executive meeting on 25th September 2018


No matters from previous meeting were raised.  Minutes were signed off as a true record of proceedings.  



Development of Partnership Economic Reform Agenda

  1. T-Level pilot programme introduction and opportunities – Tim Cahill, Assistant Principal, Runshaw College
  2. Review of the Chorley Skills Framework and proposals



Development of Partnership Economic Reform Agenda

Vicky Willett introduced the review of the Chorley Skills Framework and proposals set out to the Executive. Context and profiling carried out in 2015 were seen as still relevant and valid to support the proposal to reinstate the Chorley Skills Board.  Context and profiling carried out in 2015 were still seen as relevant and valid in relation to workforce, and the proposal to reinstate a skills board was presented. Suggested membership of this was set out giving a purpose, objectives and key actions for the group to progress. It was noted that although a previous skills board was set up and met, it did not continue mainly due to the wide remit of the group at the time, so to reinstate this with a view to support skills of residents, and people employers need in the future to support expansion and job opportunities through a more focused approach was welcomed.



Members of the Executive were asked to consider the re-instatement of the Chorley Skills Board and to discuss future representation on the board


·         The re-instatement of the Chorley Skills Board was agreed.


·         Detailed plan for the setting up of the board to be developed and brought back to the Executive for consideration.

·         Executive Members asked to contact Vicky Willett with suggested representatives to be involved in the Skills Board.


Tim Cahill from Runshaw College introduced its Technical T-Level pilot programme developed by the Department of Education to support employers tackle skills shortages. This work develops a new pathway for school leavers which can stand alongside A-Levels.  Runshaw College is one of first fifty awarded the opportunity to provide this qualification.  Runshaw offers digital T-levels in line with supporting growing businesses in the area.   What makes T-Levels quite different from qualifications previously offered is its compulsory 45-60 day industrial attachment.  Furthermore, the job descriptions during the work placement are drawn up by employers making the qualification tailored to employer needs and expectations. 


The first of this 2 year programme is expected to be run from September 2020 to 2022, with a view that placements will take place in the second year of study. 



Observations and comments from Executive

·         Possible opportunities to move to existing apprenticeship schemes/future degrees.

·         Unlike previous placements T-levels industrial work placements determines whether a student passes or fails.

·         Though numbers not clear at this stage, the meeting was informed that policies and funding were being considered to support the success of the pilot programme



Leadership and Organisational and Workforce Development


Kash Haroon from North West Employers presented a number of ways in how leaders can engage from a place based approach. The company has been around for quite some time, and can support, design, provide a neutral ground, and help with leadership across systems. In summary he advised that NW Employers can provide support in looking at:


·         How the ethos of leaders can be developed to support better working together

·         What the ingredients are to help build a strategic approach

·         How to make a case for place based working, looking at future opportunities

·         Involving stakeholders covering political views, communities, business, trade unions

·         Focusing on journey and taking a collective responsibility

·         Understanding what helps make success, knowing the place  and involving services

·         Building relationships and trust to help transformation to take place

·         Changing behaviours, and looking at changing culture

Kash advised about the three levels of development, including setting strategic direction, operational delivery (in neighbourhood levels) and levels of communication.


Kash gave examples of where they have been involved in supporting wider models such as Greater Manchester, Wigan Deal, The Preston Model, and housing associations, which give lots of learning and understanding about what went well, and what to be aware of. An example of this in GM was regulators promoting structures which do not encourage the right behaviours to work across organisations as a partnership.


Observations and comments from Executive

·         Approach supported as a start of a conversation for Chorley

·         Although many of the ideas are already developed in organisations,  the consideration is what the direction of travel needs to be across the “place” by having a collective vision, specific aims and objectives for public services, and building trust across organisations

·         How relationships are developed will be key, and it was noted that although this takes time, there are some good relationships already in place to start to make things happen

·         Partnership groups in Chorley are already comfortable working at a wider level for better outcomes

·         The health sector has already started working in this way with its Primary Health Networks

·         However, there is still need to address potential barriers of collective working including how budgets are devolved and managed in the future


Vicky Willett put forward proposals for work place exchange for Executive Members and a joint development day to align with taking on leadership of wider systems for example the new GP Networks. 


·         The Workplace Exchange Programme was approved

·         Further development of a collaborative leadership development event was agreed


·         Executive Members to volunteer themselves or others from within their organisations to take part in the workplace exchange and advise the PMO.

·          Executive Members to provide a representative to support a design group of 3-4 key partners on a task and finish basis for the leadership development event.



Programme Updates

  1. Locality Model– including briefing on Refernet
  2. Out of Hospital Strategy
  3. Reform Key Pathway
  4. Resilient communities Plan
  5. Shared Intelligence (INFORMATION ONLY)



Programme Updates

An update paper was provided on activity across the following areas:

·         Locality Model

·         Reform Key Pathways

·         Resilient communities Plan

·         Shared Intelligence Update

This gave a summary of progress made since the last updates in November 2018 supporting the transition of test bed activity from the CPSRP into business as usual or delivery.


Hayley Hughes provided an overview of the Refernet System, showing how referrals can be made across organisations, and how a service directory is starting to build up across the services involved. The system has been running since 14th January, and further discussions are taking place to widen the service offer in this system. Any partners interested in the system can contact Hayley Hughes or Guy Simpson for further information.




·         Further discussions are taking place to widen the service offer in this system

·         Any partners interested in the system can contact Hayley Hughes or Guy Simpson for further information



Update on NHS Long Term Plan


Update on NHS Long Term Plan

Donna Roberts advised that the NHS Long Term Plan had been issued to set the vision for system change and the 5 Year GP Contract Reform Document sets out more detail to help the understanding of implementation. The changes include funding, infrastructure and changes to GP contract including the development of primary care networks supported by a holistic ‘neighbourhood’ team.


As part of the 5 year Reform Document, the following are still being considered:

·         funding of the Primary Care Networks and the flow of funds to enable investment

·         development of capitated budgets in neighbourhoods and how services will be delivered

·         Our Health, Our Care is working with Angela Longworth, linked with GP practices, on the development of neighbourhoods including involvement from mental health, social care, VCFS Sector and other partners.

Observations and comments from Executive

·         Comments were raised about the time to progress the work in the neighbourhoods

·         Resources will be needed to support working closer to patients.

·         It was acknowledged that there are a lot of opportunities for innovation, and that Chorley is at the forefront of a number of initiatives and proof of concepts, including Population Health Management.

·         A concern was raised around how funding was spent and whether there would be any increased risks to contracts being awarded to the NHS.  In response the meeting was informed that changes should give flexibility within primary care to increase access to services but that provision would remain within the NHS network.



Any Other Business


No other business was raised.



Next meeting

Date of next meeting proposed as 23rd April 2019 at Chorley Town Hall


23rd April 2019