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Venue: Committee Room 1, Town Hall
Contact: Thembela Duri 01257 515248
No. | Item |
Welcome and apologies for absence Minutes: The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted. |
Matters arising from and actions of the meeting held on 16 July 2019. Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting held on 16 July 2019 were agreed with no matters arising. |
Review of multi-agency (PIVOT) and locality working approach - findings and next steps Minutes: Hayley gave a presentation outlining the report attached to the agenda, showing the evaluation of the multi-agency hub (PIVOT) where organisations come together to deliver pubic services to support vulnerable individuals through agency referrals to promote early intervention and prevention.
Hayley gave brief description, findings and update on the following headings:
· Benefits of Locality Working · Key Achievements · Case Intake - – referrals received 102 cases in 12 months · Breakdown of MASH – 134 cases over 12 months. · Primary Reasons for Concern – showing main issues · Service Resource · Wider Support · Recommendations throughout the report to be considered.
Discussion took place round the table after the presentation. The Chair asked about investment funding and where it came from, Hayley said from charitable organisations offering to support. Partners to consider funding ask for localised interventions and Hayley to bring back detail in November.
Chief Inspector Gary Crowe said as an observation Chorley should be proud of the Chorley Model seen as best practice. Also praised Hayley for the work she is doing.
Dr Khandavalli agreed Chorley is way ahead. Integrated ways of working together prove it and there is now a need to use collective data to take to the next level. Dr Khandavalli is meeting with Vicky to discuss sharing data and will bring back to the next meeting to share with the Group. In order to push the boundaries and demonstrate added value, analytical resources may be required.
Offer from the police, could provide community safety analysis if enough notice was given.
Action Vicky and Dr Khandavalli to meet and report back to a future meeting
Hayley to bring back detail of partner funding for localised interventions to the November meeting |
Overview of One Public Estate and update on current position Minutes: Rachel Salter gave a presentation on One Public Estate, its strategic objectives and showed the projects Chorley are progressing with One Public Estate.
The council have secured three rounds of One Public Estate revenue funding. OPE round four saw the integration of customer focused services within a Chorley town centre location. This also benefited the partners in reduced running costs and a generation of capital receipts.
Round six funding goes to Tatton to help provide a masterplan and options for the delivery of housing, a new community centre and upgrading of the recreational facilities, working in partnership with GPs and CCG.
Round seven has been awarded for investigation and feasibility works at the Bengal Street site.
Discussion round the table took place after the presentation. Next round of bids comes out in October and Rachel asked if anyone had any ideas to bring to the scheme to let her know.
ACTION Rachel to make contact with Donna Roberts Members of the Executive requested to contact Rachel with any ideas for the scheme |
Programme updates |
Wellbeing and Health in Integrated Neighbourhoods (WHINs) - Overview and update Minutes: To bring to the next meeting on 19 November 2019. |
Workstream updates Minutes: As per the paper. |
Any other business |
Review of intermediate care - Vicky Tomlinson LCC Minutes: Vicky Tomlinson gave an update on the Intermediate Care Review being undertaken by Lancashire County Council and what this means for how services will be delivered across the system. The focus will be on how intermediate care can prevent hospital admission rather than as a step down out of hospital. Vicky will be managing the programme and is currently developing the programme team.
Date of next meeting Minutes: Tuesday, 19 November 2019. |
Tuesday 19 November 2019 |