Agenda and draft minutes

Chorley Public Services Reform Executive - Tuesday, 19th November 2019 4.00 pm app available
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Venue: Committee Room 1, Town Hall

Contact: Thembela Duri  01257 515151

No. Item


Welcome and apologies for absence



Matters arising not otherwise covered on the agenda


Clarification was sought regarding one of the actions from last meeting relating to resources for local interventions.  Vicky explained that the action was related to the review of locality working and potential resource to provide short term interventions (e.g. house cleans) to stop situations becoming crisis. An update on this will be brought to a future meeting.



HH to bring back to the Executive meeting update on partner resourcing for local interventions 



To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Chorley Public Service Reform Partnership Executive held on 10 September 2019 (enclosed). pdf icon PDF 71 KB


Minutes were approved as a correct record of the previous meeting.



Workstream update


Vicky provided a brief overview and update on the 7 workstreams in the work programme.


The 4 key reform pathways in Workstream 1 are progressing well.


Out of Hospital delivery - Kate Burgess provided an update on the work of Wellbeing and Health in Integrated Neighborhoods (WHINs) and reported that the Social Prescribing Link Workers are now in post and training has commenced.


The chair sought clarification on what the work of the WHINs Board might mean on the ground.  Kate explained that at its last meeting on Thursday, the ICP board discussed their plan and work is underway to develop timescales for implementation so that partners know what part they are playing in delivering the objectives.


Locality model – the multi agency team (PIVOT) is fully embedded as business as usual through the council’s Integrated Community Wellbeing.  Consideration will be given to how this model could be extended to other areas.



Feedback on how the local interventions are working in the community and potential to extend the model will be brought back to a future meeting.


Community Resilience Framework – key principles for working with communities to build resilience have previously been presented to the Executive.  These have now been developed into a more detailed framework which is being tested by the council Communities Team.


Following discussion, the Chair concluded that it is important to agree a consistent vision for resilience in Chorley that builds on existing skills and assets.



Resilience framework to be shared with partners


Other updates included the work of the Skills Board and plans for a partnership digital skills event in the new year.



Details of the digital skills event to be shared with partners


Sharing intelligence is crucial for the partnership’s work as it brings information together, changing the culture and promoting working broadly across teams, sharing ways of working.  The aim is to find out more about what community needs are.






Shared Intelligence - Population Health Management Findings/outcomes and proposal for Intelligence Hub


Dr Khandavalli provided a report on Population Health Management which he briefly described as an evidence-based umbrella approach that puts together infrastructure and intelligence with the aim of empowering individuals to manage their health to improve wellbeing outcomes as well as quality of life.  The first phase was focused on people aged between 45-60 with mild health problems reporting at least 10 appointments with health services in the 12-month period between January and December 2018.   The objective was to reduce chances of the individuals reaching crisis point and placing further demands on emergency care services.


A case study of a patient whose outcomes improved dramatically through use of intelligence to pool together support services that she needed.  Her PAM (Patient Activation Measure), a measure of ability to care for self, rose from level 2 to level 4 after intervention. 


The cohort for the next phase is Child Obesity.  Dr Khandavalli spoke of why this cohort was important and mentioned links between obesity and health concerns around asthma and long-term effects such as diabetes and early death.  He talked of high levels of childhood obesity in some pockets of deprivation within Chorley impacted by type of housing and income.  This phase will consider nutrition, access to healthy choices and how sectors come together to take a more innovative approach. The Chorley Surgery would be holding a Childhood Obesity Summit on Thursday 21st of November for partners to attend.


Intelligence Hub Network Pilot– Shared intelligence is core to working across organisations and the hub would be looking to see what kind of information is needed, its availability and application.  The hub would need a coordinator with expertise to assist digital team to pool data at both personal and population level.  The information from the hub would be used through the partnership to evolve and develop partnership work


The chair complimented Dr Khandavalli on a good job done well.


Discussions followed around Chorley networks and sharing of information.  It was mentioned that there is a need to put more effort on engagement and sharing information as this still has a long way to go. 




Central Lancashire ICP VCFS update


Joe Hannett introduced the Central Lancashire VCSE Leaders Partnership and highlighted its aims and objectives as working in genuine partnership with public and private sectors to improve networking across organisations, and increase influence on policy and decision making.  The Partnership currently works closely with the Integrated Care Partnership.  A list of member- organisations and their contacts was provided in the presentation to be circulated with the minutes. 


Joe Hannett informed the meeting that the aspirations of the Central Lancashire VCSE Leaders Partnership are much wider than just health and social care; this is the first time that a voluntary organisation has come together in response to a public sector agenda. A Lancashire Accord is being drafted to set out the shared principles and agreement.


The chair thanked Joe for the presentation.


Joe clarified that Central Lancashire VCSE Leaders Partnership was not speaking for individual organisations but instead encouraging better quality conversations together, commonality for instance around volunteers, various pathways and commissioning.



JP to share the Lancashire Accord draft at the next Executive meeting for input before its finalisation



Review of approach to partnership working


Vicky gave a presentation on the review of partnership working noting the need to continuously review and evaluate in a time of change and uncertainty.  She began by updating the meeting on the present position of the partnership and thanked partners for their contribution to the achievements to date. However, there are some challenges for the partnership especially the complex system with different footprints within which it operates although we are moving in the right direction.


Moving forward, there are a number of recommendations for the partnership to consider:

     I.        Continue enabling sharing of intelligence and workforce interaction

    II.        Continue to provide a forum for collective views

  III.        Expand new ways of working as there are real opportunities now for the council to quickly move into these areas

  IV.        Review Terms of Reference and wider governance

The Chair provided an update on the work to further develop shared services between Chorley and South Ribble Council which may present new opportunities for partnership working.


Dr Khandavalli praised the partnership for being an enabling forum and facilitating strong partnership.




Any other business


No matters for discussion arose under any other business.



Date of next meeting


The date of next meeting was not discussed but the scheduled date is 21 January 2020