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Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Chorley and YouTube
Contact: Matthew Pawlyszyn Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Any Interests Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any pecuniary interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda.
If you have a pecuniary interest you must withdraw from the meeting. Normally you should leave the room before the business starts to be discussed. You do, however, have the same right to speak as a member of the public and may remain in the room to enable you to exercise that right and then leave immediately. In either case you must not seek to improperly influence a decision on the matter. Minutes: No interests were declared. |
Minutes of meeting Tuesday, 23 May 2023 of Planning Committee PDF 110 KB Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting Tuesday, 23 May 2023 of the Planning Committee be approved as a correct record. |
Planning applications to be determined The Head of Planning and Enforcement has submitted four planning applications to be determined (enclosed).
Plans to be considered will be displayed at the meeting or may be viewed in advance by following the links to the current planning applications on our website. Minutes: The Head of Planning and Enforcement submitted four items to be determined. |
21/01076/FULMAJ - Land 53M West Of Belvedere, 31 Darlington Street, Coppull PDF 563 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That planning permission is granted, subject to conditions and a S106 legal agreement to secure the following: • A highways contribution of £3,000 for a traffic regulation order (TRO) for additional waiting restrictions at the Darlington Street / Hewlett Street junction; • a public open space contribution of £153,430; and • 30% of the dwellings to be affordable houses. Minutes: Public speakers: Gary Deakin (Objector), Councillors Julia Berry and Ryan Towers (Ward Councillors), and Max Kidd-Rossiter (Agent)
After careful consideration, it was proposed by Councillor Alistair Morwood, seconded by Councillor Chris Snow and Resolved (8:4:1) That planning permission is granted, subject to conditions and a S106 legal agreement to secure the following: • A highways contribution of £3,000 for a traffic regulation order (TRO) for additional waiting restrictions at the Darlington Street / Hewlett Street junction; • a public open space contribution of £153,430; and • 30% of the dwellings to be affordable houses.
Councillor Craige Southern left the meeting at 7.15pm. |
22/01142/OUTMAJ - Land 75M South East Of 33 Town Lane, Whittle-Le-Woods PDF 563 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That planning permission is granted, subject to conditions and a S106 legal agreement to secure the following: - 30% of the dwellings to be affordable with 70% of these to be social rented and 30% for shared ownership. - A public open space contribution of £468,250 (or £434,750 if private maintenance proposed). - Highways contributions of £18,000 towards LCC Highways Services involvement in a Travel Plan and £150,000 per annum for 5 years for public transport improvements. Minutes: Public speakers: Mark Clifford (Objector), Councillors Samantha Martin, Aidy Riggot and Jenny Whiffen (Ward / neighbouring Ward Councillors), and Gemma Wheatley (Agent)
Councillor Gordon France proposed the application be refused, this was seconded by Councillor Karen Derbyshire. The amendment was lost (5:6:1).
It was proposed by Councillor Alistair Morwood, seconded by Councillor Adrian Lowe and Resolved (5:6:2) (the Chair used their casting vote) That planning permission is granted, subject to conditions and a S106 legal agreement to secure the following: - 30% of the dwellings to be affordable with 70% of these to be social rented and 30% for shared ownership. - A public open space contribution of £468,250 (or £434,750 if private maintenance proposed). - Highways contributions of £18,000 towards LCC Highways Services involvement in a Travel Plan and £150,000 per annum for 5 years for public transport improvements. |
22/00748/REMMAJ - Land At Tincklers Lane, Tincklers Lane, Eccleston PDF 269 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That the reserved matters consent is granted subject to conditions. Minutes: Public speakers: Geoff Bury (Objector) and Graham Trewhella (Agent)
After careful consideration, it was proposed by Councillor Karen Derbyshire, seconded by Councillor Alistair Morwood and Resolved (11:1:0) That the reserved matters consent is granted subject to conditions. |
22/01080/FULMAJ - Canal Mill, Botany Bay, Chorley PDF 412 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That planning permission is granted subject to the conditions set out on the addendum. Minutes: Public speakers: Emily Armstrong (Agent)
After careful consideration, it was proposed by Councillor Adrian Lowe, seconded by Councillor Keith Iddon and Resolved (unanimously) That planning permission is granted subject to the conditions set out on the addendum. |