Agenda and decisions

Council - Tuesday, 28th January 2025 6.30 pm app available
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Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Chorley and YouTube

Contact: Ruth Rimmington  Email:


No. Item


Declarations of Any Interests

Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any pecuniary interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda.


If you have a pecuniary interest you must withdraw from the meeting. Normally you should leave the room before the business starts to be discussed. You do, however, have the same right to speak as a member of the public and may remain in the room to enable you to exercise that right and then leave immediately. In either case you must not seek to improperly influence a decision on the matter.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 108 KB




Mayoral Announcements


Public Questions

Members of the public who have requested the opportunity to ask question(s) on any item(s) on the agenda will have three minutes to put their question(s) to the relevant Councillor. Members of the public will be allowed to ask one short supplementary question.


To view the procedure for public questions/ speaking click here and scroll to page 119


Executive Cabinet pdf icon PDF 93 KB

To consider a general report of the Executive Cabinet held on 10 October, 14 November and 12 December.  The report for the meeting held on 23 January will come to follow.   

Additional documents:




Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Task and Finish Groups pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To receive and consider the general report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 3 October, the Overview and Scrutiny Performance Panel meetings held on 24 October, 5 December and 16 January, and Task Group update.

Additional documents:




Governance Committee pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To receive and consider the general report of the Governance Committee held on 25 September, 27 November.  The report for the meeting held on 22 January will come to follow.  

Additional documents:




Review of Contract Procedure Rules pdf icon PDF 95 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Director of Governance.

Additional documents:


1.         To adopt the Contract Procedure Rules (Appendix 1 attached), to be implemented on the same date that the Procurement Act 2023 goes live.

2.         To grant delegated authority to the Director of Governance/Head of Legal & Procurement to update any minor changes to the Contract Procedure Rules, if any subsequent changes are identified.


Central Lancashire Local Plan 2023-2041 Publication Version (Regulation 19) Consultation pdf icon PDF 127 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Director of Planning and Development.

Additional documents:


1.         To approve the Central Lancashire Local Plan 2023-2041 Publication Version (Regulation 19), as set out at Appendix One to the report, be published for a minimum of six-week period of public consultation, along with the Publication Policies Map Publication Version (appendices ten to thirty-three), the Integrated Assessment (Appendix two, which includes the required Sustainability Appraisal) and the supporting documents as listed in Appendix nine.

2.         To grant delegated approval to the Director of Planning and Property in consultation with the Executive Member (Economic Development and Public Service Reform), to approve the final Regulation 19 Version of the Local Plan including the accompanying Policies Map for public consultation ( minor changes needed for clarification and for consultation purposes), and other supporting material to be produced for consultation purposes, recognising as a joint local plan, collaboration is necessary with the other two Councils.

3.         To grant delegated approval to the Director of Planning and Property in consultation with the Executive Member (Economic Development and Public Service Reform) following the completion of the consultation period, to submit the Central Lancashire Local Plan 2023-2041 Publication Version to the Secretary of State (together with any necessary minor modifications or that are required to ensure legal compliance ‘soundness’) in accordance with Regulation 22 (The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012), for independent Examination. This submission to include the required accompanying supporting documents.

4.         To grant delegated approval to the Director of Planning and Property in consultation with the Executive Member (Economic Development and Public Service Reform), to request that the Local Plan Inspector recommends any main modifications to what the submission version of the plan (if necessary) in order for the plan will be to be legally compliant and found sound in accordance with Section 20(7c) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

5.         To agree the adoption and use of the Central Lancashire Local Plan 2023-2041 Publication Version for development management purposes and determining planning applications, with appropriate weight given in accordance with paragraph 49 of the NPPF.

6.         To note the accompanying background evidence and supporting documents to the Plan listed in Appendix Nine (to be published upon commencement of the Regulation 19 Consultation).

7.         To agree that the Central Lancashire Local Plan Local Development Scheme (LDS) as published, has been reviewed and remains valid and therefore does not require updating.


Adoption of Model Procedures pdf icon PDF 102 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive. 


1.         To adopt the model procedures for dealing with grievance procedures and disciplinary action as set out in the Joint Negotiating Committee for Local Authority Chief Executives Conditions of Service and the Joint Negotiating Committee Chief Officer Conditions of Service.

2.         To approve that the Committees and Panels which are required when dealing with grievance and disciplinary action, be established and appointed as set out in paragraph 8 of the report.

3.         That the Officer Employment Procedure Rules contained in Appendix 3 Part C of the Constitution be amended accordingly to incorporate these changes.


Destination Management Plan for Chorley pdf icon PDF 118 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Director of Change and Delivery.

Additional documents:


1.         To note that the production of a Destination Management Plan is a project within the Corporate Strategy 2024-2025.  The DMP is an ambitious framework to support the council in working with stakeholders and local businesses to put Chorley on the map as a premier visitor destination and inspire pride in those who call Chorley home.

2.         To approve the recommended actions ensure a clear path towards achieving the plan objectives.


Review of Members' Allowances Scheme pdf icon PDF 104 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Director of Governance.


1.         To note the review of the Members’ Allowances Scheme be.

2.         That Member Support Working Group be requested to produce information for members, including tips on work / life balance and dealing with social media. This could then be shared on the members portal.

3.         That information about the Dependant carers allowance and expenses and how to claim them to be highlighted via the members portal on a quarterly basis.

4.         That an explanatory note be added to the annual notice moving forward, setting out information about the role of a Councillor, that some members live in rural areas, use public transport or have disabilities meaning they require assistance with travel. The allowance also renumerated for wear and tear on vehicles.


Biodiversity Duty - CBC First Considerations Report Adoption and Publication pdf icon PDF 139 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Director of Planning and Development.

Additional documents:


To approve, adopt and publish the Chorley Borough Council Biodiversity Duty First Considerations Report (Appendix 1) and implement the Key Actions and Objectives set out in the report.


Questions Asked under Council Procedure Rule 8 (if any)


To consider the Notices of Motion (if any) given in accordance with Council procedure Rule 10


Any urgent business previously agreed with the Mayor