Agenda item

Gillett Playing Fields Procurement Methodology

To receive and consider the report of the Director of Planning and Property. 


1.    To approve that the cricket pitch contract will be procured as a medium value exercise with contract award to be approved by the Executive Member (Planning and Development) by Executive Member Decision.

2.    To approve the proposed procurement methodologies and evaluation criteria for the high value contract to create a new football pitch comprising a single stage open tender with suitability questionnaire / quality element and the use of the Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) intermediate works contract.

3.    To approve the omission of the social value evaluation criteria from the football pitch creation contract.

4.    To approve the proposed procurement methodologies and evaluation criteria for the high value contract to construct a new changing pavilion comprising a single stage open tender with suitability questionnaire / quality element / social value assessment and the use of the JCT standard form of building contract.

5.    To approve the delegation of contract award for both the football pitch creation and pavilion construction contracts to the Executive Member (Planning and Development) by Executive Member Decision.


The Cabinet Member (Planning and Development) presented the confidential report of the Director of Planning and Property which sought approval for the proposed methodology to procure three elements in relation to improvement works at Gillet Playing Fields, delivery of cricket pitch improvements, creation of a football pitch and construction of a new changing pavilion.


As referenced within the report, the omission of the social value evaluation criteria with regards to the football pitch creation contract was highlighted to members, due to the specialism of contractors required to undertake the work and them being based in various parts of the country.



1.    To approve that the cricket pitch contract will be procured as a medium value exercise with contract award to be approved by the Executive Member (Planning and Development) by Executive Member Decision.

2.    To approve the proposed procurement methodologies and evaluation criteria for the high value contract to create a new football pitch comprising a single stage open tender with suitability questionnaire / quality element and the use of the Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) intermediate works contract.

3.    To approve the omission of the social value evaluation criteria from the football pitch creation contract.

4.    To approve the proposed procurement methodologies and evaluation criteria for the high value contract to construct a new changing pavilion comprising a single stage open tender with suitability questionnaire / quality element / social value assessment and the use of the JCT standard form of building contract.

5.    To approve the delegation of contract award for both the football pitch creation and pavilion construction contracts to the Executive Member (Planning and Development) by Executive Member Decision.


Reasons for recommendations

All funding is in receipt to deliver the cricket pitch improvement contract and approval to spend the money was given by Executive cabinet on 14 May 2024. There is a degree of urgency with this contract as the works are required to start in August 2024 in order to be complete and ready to play by the start of the cricket season in May 2025.


All funding is in receipt to deliver the football pitch creation contract and approval to spend the money was given by Executive cabinet on 14 May 2024. It is proposed that this work this will commence on site in March 2025 allowing a full year to establish before being ready to play in August 2026.


Some funding required to deliver the pavilion contract is still pending (and subject to receipt of S106 funding), with an unconfirmed timescale for receipt, therefore the pavilion contract will only be tendered once this funding is in place and detailed timescales cannot be confirmed at this stage.


It is felt that the nature of the football pitch creation procurement exercise would be unlikely to realise sufficient social value to justify the standard minimum evaluation weighting in respect of Social Value.


Other options considered and rejected

Procuring the contracts in aggregate was considered. However, there is a need to urgently start the cricket pitch works in August 2024 to allow uninterrupted use of the pitch by Chorley Cricket Club during the cricket season. There is also a complex funding picture with some Section 106 funding in receipt and some pending therefore a flexible approach to deliver the works as separate contracts is required.


Evaluating the tenders on the basis of 100% cost was considered, however, in order to attract quality contractors with a good track record for delivery of similar schemes, a quality element was included.