Jennifer Mullin, Director of Communities and Leisure will give a presentation.
The Chair welcomed the Council’s Director of Communities and Leisure, Jennifer Mullin to deliver a presentation on sport and leisure activity across the borough and answer questions from members of the Liaison.
An overview of the range and extent of leisure and sport provision across the borough was provided, with members also noting that regular assessments were carried out through work to informs the council’s Open Space Sports and Recreation Strategy. The strategy would identify where any gaps or improvements are needed, inform decision making on investments and be incorporated as part of the new Central Lancashire Local Plan. Furthermore, a number of ongoing projects were highlighted to the Liaison.
Regarding outreach work, the council does not have a sports development team but the communities team lead on local schemes and activities, such as the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme and other diversionary projects. Work around diversionary activities seeking to alleviate instances of anti-social behaviour was also supplemented by Youth Zone’s and the council’s Community Safety team. Further information on the diversionary work already being delivered by the Youth Zone was also requested following a spike in anti-social behaviour in a particular ward.
There was also a wide range of schemes and project to promote health and wellbeing, the healthy weight programme, cancer rehabilitation sessions and work around men’s mental health were noted as some examples of many more being delivered.
Responding to a query concerning the provision of outdoor gyms in the borough, it was acknowledged that this could be considered as part of the Open Spaces Strategy and if it met certain criteria, could be able to utilise Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) or Section 106 funds to deliver a project. Further clarification was provided on where these funds were received from and what it could be used for. It was confirmed that if a need could be evidenced as part of the strategy, then private clubs could utilise funding too.
On transport provision for outreach services in the rural areas of the borough, a number of initiatives had been attempted in the past with mixed success, however members were encouraged to liaise with the council and other partners over ways and projects that could be supported to help tackle anti-social behaviour. The Liaison also welcomed the suggestion of parish and town councils providing a list of sport and leisure provision within their areas so that it could be shared amongst members of the Liaison.
A number of questions were raised about Brinscall Baths and why, following its extensive refurbishment works, it was not open over weekends. In response, it was confirmed that the pool was currently closed at weekends but this was part of a planned phased re-opening programme to understand the demand at different times and days to ensure costs were managed and the facility was sustainable. Further consideration was also requested for greater investment by locating larger capital projects in the rural areas of the borough in the future.
Further discussions centred around delivery of projects with a suggestion of working with the council’s communities team to identify sources of funding to support this. It was acknowledged that collaboration between parishes, the council and other groups was a viable option where sharing resources could support the progression of desired projects, one example noted was a number of parishes sharing of SPiD units.
It was confirmed that there were no plans to close the pool at All Seasons as scheduled refurbishment work was focused on the gym and dry side changing rooms.