Agenda item

Consultation on Consolidated Taxi Licensing Policy

Report of the Director of Early Intervention and Support (enclosed)


The Director of Early Intervention and Support submitted a report for members of the Licensing and Public Safety Committee to consider the proposal for a consolidated Taxi Licensing Policy and the consultation of the draft document.


Most functions and decisions with regards to Taxi Licensing refer to policy decisions made by the Council. The Licensing and Public Safety Committee are responsible for making these policy decisions which are held within committee reports. The purpose of the proposed consolidated Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy is to make those policy decisions easily accessible to promote efficiency and consistency in the Council’s licensing functions.


The draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy consolidates all previous Taxi Licensing policies with additional proposals as outlined in the report including application fees, Right to Work Visas, and electronic DBS checks. Therefore the Licensing and Public Safety Committee has already carefully considered and made decisions on the details of each of the policies at previous committees. The proposed Policy simply consolidates these decisions into one concise document.


Members of the Licensing and Public Safety Committee welcomed the policy proposals on the grounds that the consolidated Taxi Licensing Policy would ensure great transparency for the trade and public as well as increasing decision making guidance for officers, whilst also providing efficient clarification of the justification for these decisions.


The report indicated additional policy proposals which included that DBS checks must originate through Chorley Council or through a company contracted by the Council to carry out this check, as authorised by the DBS, thereafter an electronic DBS update would be accepted. Members were informed that procedures need to be put in place to mitigate the risk of the Borough falling below the required threshold. Officer research observed that other authorities were delivering an electronic DBS service. This provided quick renewal with results being received within 48 hours as opposed to the prolonged waiting times currently experienced and therefore proved more efficient. Ultimately, it would keep admin costs to a minimum and provide the potential to increase flexibility.


Members alternatively considered the feasibility of joining up with a neighbouring authority, it was concluded however that this would provide two levels of service and would therefore become time consuming as DBS completion could take up to six weeks.


After carefully considering all factors, members were minded to propose all recommendations within the report including the updated policy decisions making them broadly fit for purpose.As a result, it was proposed by Councillor Adrian Lowe, seconded by Councillor Hasina Khan and subsequently RESOLVED;


a)    To consult on the proposed Draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy which would run for 12 weeks (until 31st December 2016) following discussion with the Trade at the Licensing Liaison Meeting taking place on 5 October 2016.

b)   That on the expiration of the consultation period, the results and responses be reported back to the Licensing and Public Safety Committee. Officer verbally agreed to endeavour to collate all the consultation responses and report back at the meeting in February 2017.

c)    To determine the proposals and options for implementation and the timetable for review of policy to protect the Council’s conditions on drivers and vehicles. A timeframe of 3 years for review was agreed.




In addition it was RESOLVED;


  1. to amend the wording within the report to clarify the decision already made in March 2015; “where an incomplete driver application has been received, due to the absence of one or more of the pre-requisites, the application will be rejected following a period of 2 months from the date of the receipt of the application” to indicate that contact would be made following and period of 2 months and would then be removed after 3 months if no action was taken during this period. The aim of which is to provide greater flexibility,


  1. that where the Right to Work does not extend for the length of the driver licence at the time of issue (3 years), then the licence will only be granted up to the date of the expiry of the visa. This is a legal requirement from 1 December 2016


  1. that DBS checks must originate through the Chorley Council or through a company contracted by the Council to carry out this, as authorised by the DBS, thereafter an electronic DBS will be accepted. With regards to fees these would be borne by the applicant and therefore it was AGREED that they be given the option to pay this additional fee for a quick electronic check, which would identify if there are any changes since the previous DBS.


These Policy amendments will be implemented immediately and are not delayed until the outcome of the consultation.


Supporting documents: