Agenda item

Executive Cabinet appointments for 2022/23

To receive a report of the Executive Leader.




Councillor Alistair Bradley, Executive Leader informed the Council of his appointments to the Executive Cabinet for 2022/23.  He welcomed Councillor Terry Howarth as the new Executive Member for Homes and Housing. 


Appointments to the Executive Cabinet and portfolio support roles were reported as follows:




Executive Member

Executive Member for Economic Development and Public Service Reform

Lead Directors: Mark Lester / Chris Sinnott / Jonathan Noad


·                Asset Management

·                Business support and inward investment

·                Major Projects and Developments

·                Wholly owned companies

·                Town Centre (including Market Walk and car parking)

·                Public Service Reform (including combined authority and shared services development)

·                Local Plan


Alistair Bradley


Executive Member for Resources

Lead Directors: Chris Sinnott / Louise Mattinson / Chris Moister


·                Finance

·                Corporate Strategy and improvement

·                Transformation

·                Communications and events

·                Support services

·                Astley Hall and Cultural Assets


Peter Wilson


Executive Member for Early Intervention

Lead Director: Jennifer Mullin


·                Volunteering and VCFS

·                Community Centre Management

·                Neighbourhood working and community development

·                Community safety

·                Environmental Health

·                Employment and Skills

·                Leisure Centres contract

·                Social Prescribing


Bev Murray

Executive Member for Homes and Housing

Lead Director: Jennifer Mullin / Mark Lester


·                Housing options, advice and supported housing

·                Home improvement service

·                Private sector housing

·                Council Residential Accommodation incl. Primrose Gardens

·                Housing Strategy


Terry Howarth

Executive Member for Planning and Development

Lead Director: Jonathan Noad


·                Planning

·                Enforcement, including Building Control, Licensing, Empty Properties and Environmental Enforcement

·                Parks and Open Spaces development


Alistair Morwood


Executive Member for Customer, Streetscene and Environment

Lead Director: Asim Khan


·                Street Cleansing

·                Grounds Maintenance

·                Streetscene Improvements

·                ICT

·                Customer Services

·                Revenues and Benefits

·                Waste collection

·                Climate Change


Adrian Lowe


Lead Member for Health Services



To include:

      Member of the Chorley Integrated Community Wellbeing Service Executive Steering Group

      Council Champion for Health

      Liaison with Primary Health Care Service Providers

      Representation on relevant partnership bodies

Alex Hilton

Lead Member for Shared Services, Joint Working & Community Wellbeing



To include:

      Member of Shared Service Joint Committee

      Lead role for developing sub-regional partnerships, including Lancashire Combined Authority

      Council Champion for Shared Services and Community Wellbeing

      Supporting Local Health and Community Working

      Observer Role on Chorley and South Ribble Partnership

Margaret France

Lead Member for Equality and Diversity:



To include:

      Council Champion for Equality and Diversity

      Lead representative on outside bodies and shared working   with regards to equality issues

      Responsibilities for community cohesion and integration

Hasina Khan


The remit for these roles will be defined by the relevant Executive Member, except the Mental Health Awareness Council Champion which has a high level role description (below).

Member Responsible for:



Town Centre and Assets

Customer, Digital and Community Development

Economic Development and Skills

Governance and Audit

Environment and Green Space

Danny Gee

Kim Snape

Matt Lynch

Gordon France

Mark Clifford



Council Champion for:


Democratic and Member Services

Older People

Rural Communities

Young People

Strategic Development and Planning

Public Protection and Enforcement and Adoptions

Mental Health Awareness


Aaron Beaver

Tommy Gray

Alan Whittaker

Sarah Ainsworth

Neville Whitham

Roy Lees

James Nevett



Mental Health Awareness Council Champion

        To maintain an understanding of mental health best practice across a range of topics.

        To work with fellow elected members and officers to promote positive mental health and wellbeing.

        To advocate for mental health issues in council meetings, to help with policy development and ensure that mental health considerations form a key part of council decision making.


Resolved: (unanimously) that the appointments be noted.


Supporting documents: