- Councillor Alistair Bradley (Chair) Executive Leader, Chorley Council
- John Buck Group Manager, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service
- Carole Spencer Strategy and Development Manager, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- Sue Moore Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust
- Steve Winterson Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust
- Martin Clayton Head of Operations and Delivery, Chorley and South Ribble Clinical Commissioning Group
- Dr Lindsey Dickinson Primary Care Representative
- Andrea Trafford Primary Care Representative
- County Councillor Tony Martin Cabinet Member for Adult and Community Services, Lancashire County Council
- Mel Ormesher Lancashire County Council
- Diane Gradwell Trustee, VCFS Network
- Jon Clegg Early Action, Lancashire Constabulary
- Gill Dalton Customer Service Operational Manager for Central and South Lancashire, Department of Work and Pensions
- Janet Hodgson Runshaw College
- Allan Jones Business Advocate
- Councillor Margaret France
- Paul Bibby
- Tim Cahill
- Tom Cookson
- Chief Inspector Gary Crowe
- Tim Grose
- Dr Shashidhar Khandavalli
- Iain Pearson
- Donna Roberts
- Cathy Ross
- Guy Simpson
- Karl Worsley
Contact information
Support officer: Thembela Duri. 01257 515248