Issue - decisions

23/00510/OUTMAJ - Babylon Lane, Heath Charnock

17/11/2023 - 23/00510/OUTMAJ - Babylon Lane, Heath Charnock

The Planning Committee minded to refuse outline planning permission for the following reasons:


1.    It has not been sufficiently demonstrated that adequate infrastructure capacity exists within the local sewer network to cope with the increase in load from the proposed development. Should the network become overloaded, it would result in an unacceptable risk of flooding and associated amenity issues for local residents. The proposal therefore conflicts with policy 29 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy 2012 in this regard. 

2.    The proposed modern style of dwellings and the use of reconstituted stone as a facing material is not appropriate to the local vernacular and would be harmful to the character of the area. As such, the proposal conflicts with policy 17 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy 2012 and BNE1 of the Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 in this regard.

3.    The proposal will cause harm to the setting of the grade II listed Greenhalgh Farmhouse and the associated public benefits of the proposal do not outweigh this harm. The proposal therefore conflicts with meet with the objectives of Chapter 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policy 16 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy 2012 and policy BNE 8 of the Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026.