Issue - decisions

Adopt the local lettings policy for the Bungalows in CBC ownership

30/04/2021 - Adopt the local lettings policy for the Bungalows in CBC ownership


Recommendations approved.


Reasons for Recommendation(s):

1.   A local lettings policy is required to ensure the bungalows in CBC ownership are allocated in a fair and transparent manner.

2.   Bungalows, specifically, have been identified as not being provided for through normal Registered Provider channels and there is a shortage on the private rental market.

Alternative options considered and rejected

1.         To use the existing Select Move policy to allocate the bungalows to general need and not to develop a separate locally lettings policy. This was rejected as the purpose of the council buying bungalows was as a step-down accommodation for over 55’s to free up larger family accommodation.